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With some extra cash I had in my pocket I took a cab to the ballet studio.

It was well into nighttime when I got to the studio. There was a frightening presence coming from the building. I ignored it and walked in; I just needed to get this over with.

The only lights on were the ones at the far ends of the studio. Pale white light reached the middle.

No one was out here so I decided to call out "James!"

He rushed in through the door suddenly. A smile as sly as a fox was plastered on his face. He walked towards me slowly. His eyes never leaving me.

"So," I watched as James began to cirlce me. "Do you have her or not?"

"Of course I don't." He laughed. "Victoria got the audio from a recent call between her and your father."


My father was talking to my mother? Since when? He told me they hadn't spoken since she left.

"Oh! You didn't know did you?" A loud chuckle came out of James. "Well it's only acceptable that people keep secrets from you because you keep a lot of secrets from them."

My jaw tighten as I tried to not punch him. I clenched my fist tightly and turned to look at him.
"Then what the hell do you want from me?"

"I want to make a deal with you."

I paused. A deal? Really? All of this for deal? Something is wrong here. "What is it?"

"I won't kill your little friend, Bella, if," He paused and got closer to me. He leaned towards my ear and whispered "you kill the Cullens for me."

I pulled myself away from him. I was shocked. Of things he could've asked and it was that. I can't lie, I did consider it. I know Bella's whole world is centered around Edward but she could always find someone else. I mean she has her whole life ahead of her maybe a big sacrifice is needed to make sure she gets that life. But killing the Cullens, killing Edward, might cause her more harm than good.

I tried to come up with an excuse. "I can't kill them all. They're too strong. I'm only one person."

James looked at me harshly. "You think I'm stupid don't you? I know who you work with! I know I'm not the first one to ask you to do this."

"Look! I'm not going to kill anyone and you're not going to kill Bella! I'M NOT MAKING ANY STUPID DEALS!"

Without another word from him he pushed me hard. My back knocked against a mirror. I groaned in pain but tried to sit back up. My vision got blurry. I shook my head to try to make it go away. I was still able to see James walking towards me but something was in his hand.

"Any words for your blond vampire boyfriend?" He said.

Was he talking about Jasper? But we're not-we would never be in a relationship.

"He's not-" I said with difficulty. I was still stunned by the throw.

"It seems like he is though. His scent is all over you after all and he never leaves your side. Except for now of course."

I said something under my breath hoping that James wouldn't hear and lean closer to me.

He leaned towards me. "What was that, Avery? Make sure the camera can get-"

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