~ TEN ~

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The field we all met up had an ominous feel to it. It was almost like I could feel something bad was going to happen. I stared out into the field making sure nothing was out of place. I mean Bella and I were in a remote field with a bunch of vampires.

"Are you feeling better today?" Carlisle inquired, stirring me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah," I rubbed the back of neck. "I am."

"Do you mind if I ask, what caused it?"

I paused before I answered him. I couldn't just tell him. Not only was it a long story but some of it I had no answer for. "I-- It's a long story."

He looked at me. His eyes squinted slightly. He knew I was trying to cover it up. Then he returned to normal, smiled, and simply said okay.


"Bella, please be careful." I told her as a precaution, especially since Emmett was going to be the first batter.

"I'll be fine." She said looking at me. Then she turned to Emmett, nodded, and licked her lips. She was definitely freaking out; I could feel it.

I chuckled lightly as we all got ready.


Unlike how I expected, Emmett didn't hit Bella at all. She mostly stayed away from the ball but none the less, she enjoyed it.

I could feel bursts of happiness from her whenever Edward ran to catch a ball. She was like the quarterback's girlfriend at the homecoming game. It was nice to see how much she loved him.

Jasper was up next to bat. Alice waved at him with a certain brightness in her eyes. She always seemed so happy. It made the "gloomy vampire" stereotype seem like a complete lie.

Jasper hit the ball and I could already tell it was a hard hit. Then I saw that it was heading towards Bella. She wasn't paying attention though. Of course she wasn't she was staring at Edward. I couldn't let that ball hit her. It could literally kill her with how fast it was going.

"BELLA MOVE!" I shouted as loud as I could. I ran towards her.

I put my gloved hand out in front of Bella and pushed her to the ground. I didn't think I would catch the ball so I shut my eyes and waited for the pain. But there was nothing. I opened my eyes slowly. The ball was in my gloved hand. Everyone was looking at me. Edward was kneeling next to Bella and helping her sit back up.

"Avery...How did you catch that?" Bella asked me. I could hear the fright in her voice. She was scared; scared of me. I shouldn't have been able to catch that ball. At least, not in front of Bella or the Cullens.

"I-I...um," I couldn't come up with a good enough lie.

I hoped that something, anything, would happen to get me out of this.

Suddenly Edward looked out towards the forest. Three figures emerged. Carlisle and the others walked towards them. As he passed us he touched Edward on the shoulder and looked at him.

The figures were other vampires. The blood red eyes gave it away immediately. Bella needed to leave now before they found out she was human.

I reached out for Bella's hand to help her up. Edward guided her towards his car.

"They were just leaving." Carlisle told the other vampires; buying us time.

We were almost inside the car before a gust of wind blew. Edward pulled Bella towards him suddenly. I stood guard in front of them both. My eyes met one of the vampires. He had long blonde hair that was tied back. The look on his face was full of hunger and determination.

"You brought two surprises. How fun!" He said getting too close for comfort.

"Back off!" I yelled, pushing him back.

If he wanted Bella then he was in for a fight.

He looked surprised that I had the strength to push him back "What are you; her little guardian?" He grinned trying to save face.


I pulled my arm back and gathered my hand into a fist. I hit the left side of his face as hard I could. It stunned him for a good second. I could clearly see the shocked expression he had. The shock turned to pure anger.

"Get in." I heard Edward say. Then I heard the door open and close after that. As long as Bella was safe I was fine.

Before I had time to react the vampire grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the ground and against the car. I gasped as the air suddenly left me.

"Avery!" Bella shouted. It was a muffled shout so she was in the car. Good.

"I thought your kind weren't even allowed here! MAYBE I SHOULD JUST KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!"

I gasped a couple more times trying to get any air I could but nothing. My instincts kicked in and I started kicking and clawing at his hands. Edward pushed him away from me just as I was starting to panic.

I fell to the ground and caught my breath. The other vampire and I were both on the ground. Still with my labored breathing I tried hitting him. Edward pulled me back before I got to him.

"LET GO OF ME!" I thrashed around in Edward's arms.

The redhead vampire dashed over to him. She helped him up and gave me a look.

I continued to scream at them. My temper was out of my control. I couldn't calm down now. I didn't know how to.

"Avery, please calm down." Edward warned tightening his grip on me.

He got me into the car and we sped off. I didn't say anything. I was still too angry. My body was hot all over. Sweat was running down my temples but it was cold outside. I completely zoned out. I heard Edward speaking but I wasn't listening.

He lightly hit me on the arm. "Avery?! Are you listening to me?!"

"Huh?" I faced him. "Uh, no"

"James, the vampire that tried to kill you, he's a tracker. And he's after you and Bella. I need you to come up with something to get Bella out of her house. For you as well."

"You're telling me to run away, basically? And help Bella too?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

My father would never let me leave the house. I've run away before but after the time I ran away to Portland my dad wouldn't, couldn't let me leave. But I had to because Bella was in danger. And if she was in danger, then so was I. This care and protectiveness I felt towards Bella was unlike anything else I've felt before. It put me in a weak spot but I couldn't do anything about it. So, I'm going to kill this vampire chasing after her and anyone else who threatens her life. It's ironic that I'm protecting Bella when all those letters I've received having been telling me to do the exact opposite.


Omg guys, thank you so much for all the reads and votes! Also I apologize about the lack of updates; I get like -10 minutes each week to write. But its about to get to real in the story and Avery is not playing games.

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