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Everything was white. It was a bright, blinding white. I gasped and opened my eyes. Out of instinct I looked around frantically trying to find out where I was.

"You're awake!" In the door Jacob stood. He walked over to me quickly.

"How are you here? How am I here?" I asked, still in a daze.

Jacob had a beautiful smile on his face. The bright, blinding white couldn't even compare to it. "The Cullens they told me what really happened but no one else knows."

"Wait, but the wound," I lifted up my blanket and rose my hospital gown a bit. There was bandage over where the mirror shard had been. "Is Bella alright?"

"Yeah, she left the hospital a couple days ago."

"So, how long have I been in here?"

"Over a week." His tone became somber.

"You've been here the whole time?"

He nodded. "I needed to know that you would wake up."

A smile plastered my face. He waited for me. No one's ever waited for me. Thinking about that had me on the verge of tears. What did I do to deserve someone as great as Jacob?

"Hey, what's wrong?" He noticed the tears welling up in my eyes. "Are you in pain? I can go get the doc-"

I grabbed his hand and held it firmly between mine. "No, no. I'm just really happy to wake up to you."

A smile appeared on Jacob's face as soon as I said that.

I had another chance now. To be with Jacob. To be happy.


I was discharged and gathering my things from my hospital room when I felt something change like if someone was watching me. I got tense and felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. What if it was Victoria? Or some other friend of James? I turned around slowly.

"Oh my God, Jasper!" I shouted at him. "Why didn't you say something?!" I playfully hit him on the arm.

"Sorry, I tried to be quiet. I didn't know if you were awake." He smiled.

"Yeah, I'm actually about to leave."

He simply nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. I wanted to ask him about the whole James thing, about why he was panicking so much. Why would Jasper care about me anyway? But I held my tongue. I didn't want to put him on the spot like that.

"Avery," Jasper said, he brought his eyes up to meet mine. Something was wrong. "I think that after this you and Bella should just stay away from us."

He was right, it was safer for the both of us, but Bella couldn't do that. She couldn't let Edward leave her life. To her it would never be an option.

"You know Bella can't do that." I pointed out.

Jasper furrowed his brows but they relaxed as he spoke. "Would you stay away from Bella, if it meant you would be safe?"

"No, I would never do that. Bella can't leave you guys so I can't leave. I need to protect her." I stated.

"But who's going to protect you?" Jasper walked and stood closer to me.

"I will." I told him defensively. "I don't need anyone else to protect me."

Jasper just stared at me with frustration. Then I started feeling extremely relaxed and I knew it was him. He had good intentions but I don't want him changing my mind about anything.

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