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Bella and I walked out towards the parking lot together. While walking with her I realized something. No one else really walked with me anywhere. Bella was the first person I didn't mind being around. It was surprising considering I was always alone. This connection was basically my reason to make a friend. I have to admit, I was happy about it. Being alone doesn't really make for being so happy. Maybe Bella would be the change I needed. Maybe Bella would make me happier. I definitely needed that in my life.

"Avery, before I forget, do you know anything about genetics? It's the next lesson in Biology and we're supposed to do a project. Jessica told me you were a science genius." Bella started. I covered my face when she mentioned science genius. "You don't have to help-I was just asking." She said quickly.

"It's cool Bella, seriously. I just don't like that title too much. I'll help though."

We exchanged numbers and decided to meet at her house tomorrow. With Bella's attitude I imagine her room being all black and completely morbid. But maybe there's more than meets the eye.

When we got to the lot we went to our cars. They were a couple spots away from each other. I noticed Bella glancing over at something. I followed her gaze right towards the Cullens, specifically Edward.

"Staring at Edward, are we?" I grinned.

"You caught me." She said jokingly.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then." I waved then walked off.

When I got to my car I couldn't find my keys in the front pocket of my bag. Now to search through this bag, what fun. I sighed and began searching. A few seconds later I found them. I put them up to the handle then felt intense panic and fear. It had to be from Bella. I looked up for Bella's car and saw another car careen out of control towards her. I dropped my keys and my bag and ran over to Bella's car. I heard a clang of metal and began to worry myself.

I made it to Bella in record time but someone was already there. Edward. He hovered over Bella. One hand was against the end of the other car.

"Bella are you alright?!" I asked in a panic filled voice. I overheard someone say to call 911.

It took a few seconds before she nodded. Then Edward got up and left. I raised my eyebrow as he walked past me. He simply glanced at me without a word. I looked back at where the Cullens were. The rest of them had already left, of course they did.

I held out my hand for Bella to grab and get out. "Sure, you're okay?" I checked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just--that was insane." She mumbled.

"Bella, I'm so sorry." The driver said.

As soon as I recognized the driver my anger built even more. At that point my anger basically exploded.

"You're sorry?! You almost killed her!" I shouted loudly.

"Avery, please. I'm not hurt. You don't need to yell." Bella told me.

I looked at Bella then back at him. "Tyler, you're lucky she's telling me to calm down. If she wasn't here I'd be kicking the shit out of you!"

My anger was rising too quickly. I needed to calm down for my own sake. I walked away and closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths and began counting in my head. It was something I did just to focus on something else, anything else.

I heard the sirens from the ambulance coming towards the school.

"Avery," Bella nudged my arm but suddenly pulled back. "You're arm is.."

"What?" There was nothing on my arm and I didn't feel different.

"Nevermind, do you mind going with me if I have to?" She pointed towards the ambulance.

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