~ NINE ~

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I didn't open the letter till I was in my bedroom. My phone rang, it was Bella. I couldn't answer. Not when I had a letter that said "urgent." I was getting a letter like this from the people I never wanted to get it from.

I used my key to cut apart the seal. I read the letter while my heart thumped wildly.

You were to prevent this from happening! You should have stopped it by all means necessary! You must get rid of all them. If that is not done there will be harsh consequences.

I set the letter down next to me and took a deep breath. I had to get rid of them. But how would I ever be able to do that?

My phone went off again and I lost my train of thought. It was Bella again. I answered, hoping she wouldn't be too worried.

"Avery?! What's going on with you?" She sounded angry but concerned.

"Nothing, just- I'm fine." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Obviously you're not fine. We know something happened to you at the Cullen's."

"We?" I inquired immediately. "Who's we?"

"Edward read your mind-out of concern-and told me after you left."

"So you know about it then?"

"Yes, so just please tell me what's going on with you so I can help."

I sighed deeply and knew what I had to do. I had to tell her everything. Everything except what I held extremely secret like who the letter was from.

"I call it the connection," I started off.


Bella still acted somewhat confused when we got back to school on Monday. She would occasionally ask questions about the connection. I would answer them the best way possible. She never seemed satisfied though. Bella was still lost in it all. She found herself when Edward came into the lunchroom. She always found herself when he was around.


It was the end of the day. Bella and I were having a small conversation before she asked another connection related question.

"How do you know for sure it's my emotions you're feeling?"

"Bella...I don't have a whole experiment on it. I just know because I do. I can feel it." I probably came off as annoyed which I kind of was.

"I'm only asking because I don't feel it. I don't feel a connection. I can't feel your emotions." She didn't?

"You don't want to. And you don't want the connection." I looked directly into her eyes. Her face looked even more pale against the gray sky. Her eyes were wide in curiosity. She needed answers. "Anytime you have a negative feeling it's like an alarm in my head. I start worrying. Even more so that you're in love with a vampire."

"You don't need to worry about me, no matter what that connection tells you." She brushed off.

Bella didn't need this kind of weight on her shoulders. She didn't need any of it. But for whatever reason here it was.

"Edward!" Bella said turning to him.

They smiled at each other. It was a sincere smile that only lasted for a moment, yet it was so meaningful. I wonder if that's what it looked like when Jacob and I smiled at each other.

"Avery." Edward greeted in a warm voice.

"Hey." I said back with some bitterness.

"On Saturday we're going to play baseball. We were wondering if you both would like to join? You seem like the athletic type, Avery."

Was that supposed to be a joke?

I chuckled anyway. "I'm free on Saturday."

"Bella?" Edward raised his brow just slightly.

"Sure. I'm not that good but I can try." She smiled. She was so happy around him.

I really just wanted to go back home. I felt like the biggest third wheel near them.

"You guys, I'm gonna go. Bella you mind texting me the details?"

"Not at all." She only looked at me once. She was deep in pit of Feelings for Edward.


When I got home and out of my car something felt strange. As if someone was watching me. I looked at the neighbors house to make sure no one was looking at me. Then I scanned the forest right next to my home. At first I saw nothing and turned away. While my back was turned I heard the rustling of leaves. I quickly turned to look back at the forest and nothing again. Someone had to be there.

Fearing whatever could be out there I went inside my house in a rush.

"Dad, no one's come over lately, right?" I asked him.

He sat in the living room watching tv. "No, why?" He turned around to look at me.

"Nothing...I was just wondering." I tried playing off.

He knew I was lying. "Avery," He got up and stood in front of me. A serious look on his face. "You've been acting a bit strange lately. Does it have anything to do with...the thing?"

The question caught me off guard. I raised a brow. "Uh what?" Then I realized what he meant. "Oh no, no it doesn't have to do with that."

"You know if you need help, there is help around-"

"Oh my- Dad no." I put my hands over my face in embarrassment. "I don't need any help."

He put his hands up. "Okay, okay!"

"I'm going to my room now, okay."

"I was just trying to help!" He called out as I walked away.

"Please stop." I walked away faster.

When I entered my room an unopened letter laid in the middle of my bed. It's red seal catching my eye. I knew exactly who it was from so, I didn't bother even opening the letter I shoved it into a desk drawer.

I paced around my room and sighed. I would fix this. I will fix this. If I don't fix this they're gonna kill me.

So Bella doesn't feel the connection...rip Avery. Thanks for reading!

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