~ FOUR ~

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"He was asking about you." Bella said randomly while we were doing research for her project.

"Who?" I looked up from the textbook in my lap.

"Jacob. After you left."

Internally, I was smiling from ear to ear. I was almost desperate to hear what he said but, I knew I needed to calm down. On the outside well, I just nodded.

"You don't have to pretend that you're not interested, Avery. You were like mesmerized by him." Bella continued.

"It was that noticeable?" I mumbled.

"Pretty much." Bella snickered.

"I feel like you're trying to distract me. We can take a short break, though" I put the book aside and turned to Bella. "So what did he say?" I cracked a smile at my mention of him.

"Basic stuff, like if we were friends, if you were you nice."

"That's it?" I questioned eagerly.

"He didn't really say it directly but he was wondering if you had any close guy friends."

I put my hand over my face as casually as possible because I could feel a blush appearing. "For real?"

"Yeah but he is a bit younger." Bella added.

My mood was brought down fast and was replaced with seriousness. "He isn't like super young, right?"

"No, he's like 15 or around that."

"You got me really worried for a second." I joked.

A bubbly feeling rose in my stomach as I picked up the textbook. Maybe things were going completely downhill for me.


I listened to the conversation at the table during lunch while waiting for Bella to join us. As soon as everyone was around Eric asked Bella about going to La Push. Bella, confused as ever, asked what that even was. Mike explained to her. Then Eric busted out a lame surfing joke. Angela mentioned whale watching. When I was first invited to La Push I only went because of the whale watching. In the extremely boring town of Forks, whale watching is the only fun around.

"La Push, baby. It's La Push." Eric said in the most odd way possible. I felt the cringe from Bella and, probably, from everyone else at the table. Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with Eric. Then again we both only tell stupid jokes.

"Okay, I'll go if you stop staying that." Bella joked. The table erupted with laughter.

Bella went to go get some lunch for herself. Everyone continued talking about La Push. Then Mike started to glance somewhere. Out of curiosity I followed his gaze. Edward was the one approaching Bella this time. I didn't bother listening in on their conversation though. Edward was probably being mysterious and bipolar like he has been lately.


"Eric still hasn't asked me to prom." Angela said, tightly securing a blanket over herself.

It was definitely cold today. Only here would a beach be cold. La Push made up for it in fun though. The wind just added to the cold. I wore an extra layer just in case and still ended up wearing a jacket.

"Why don't you ask him? You're a strong, independent woman." Bella encouraged her. The encouragement kind of came out of nowhere. It made Angela take the advice though.

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