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"You know what I'm not gonna kill her, Avery!" James yelled at me. "I'm going to do something worse."

I had to do something. I had to get up and help her. I knew what he meant by "worse." I had to stop him. 

I propped myself up on my elbow and winced in pain as my leg moved slightly. I thought that if maybe I kept my weight off my injured leg it wouldn't hurt too much but I didn't test the idea immediately. 

Suddenly, I heard the crack of bone and Bella yelling. I whipped my head towards Bella and James and he had her leg in his hands. Then he let go of it and it dropped to the floor; another scream of pain came from Bella. James looked back at me with a grin and then he moved. He bent down to grab Bella's wrist and I knew what he was doing. Maybe it was his plan all along; whether or not I agreed to the deal. Either way, I had to stop him or do something. I couldn't just let it happen. 

Adernaline began to pump through my veins. I grabbed the railing on an unbroken mirror to lift myself up. I found myself putting some weight on my injured leg but couldn't feel much pain. Then an idea came to me. I put my hand around the mirror shard and pulled hard. More blood gushed out but if I kept it in there I wouldn't be able to move well. With the shard in hand I ran over to James. I don't know how but, it happened. 

I tried to get to him before he bit Bella but I didn't. But it got me angrier. And I ran faster. 

"You're too late-" He began to say but I punched him across the face. 

He fell and I got on top of him. That was when I realized the anger took over. I didn't need to do this. I could've helped Bella but the anger didn't let me. With a grunt, I put the mirror shard in James' eye. Everything began to fade away as I kept punching him. Over and over and over. Then I decided to finish it. To finish him. I put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his jaw. I slowly lifted his jaw up and away from his body. A crack appeared in his neck and all I wanted to do was make it bigger. 

"STOP! AVERY!" I heard from someone but I couldn't identify who. It didn't matter anyway. 

Then I was pulled off of James and dragged away from him. I was snapped out of my anger and adernaline. 

"Avery, calm down. Please calm down." It was Jasper. 

He laid me down and attended to my wound. It was worse now. I should've never pulled the shard out. I should've never run. 

Jasper took off his belt and put it tightly around the area above my wound. He shouted out for Carlisle. His hands were shaking. I've never seen him look so scared. I turned my head the other way and saw my reflection. It was horrific. My face was pale and there was gray around my eyes. My blue eyes were a stark contrast to the rest of my face. I looked like I was going to die; and I felt like I was. 

"There's a lot of bleeding." Jasper told Carlisle with that scared look in his eyes. 

"Keep her awake until we can get her to a hospital."

Carlisle was covering my view of Bella so I tried to use the connection. I panicked when I couldn't feel anything. Feeling nothing could mean she's dead. 

"Bella?! Is she alright?! I need to see her!" I started shouting. 

"Avery, she's-" Carlisle began to say. 

"No, I need to see her! He-He bit her." Tears began to well in my eyes. Carlisle moved so I could see her. "Oh my God." I said silently. 

Edward had her wrist in his hands. And there was some blood around his mouth. 

"I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" I shouted and tried getting up. 

"No, no!" Carlisle held me down. "He took the venom out."

"What about James?" I said breathless; trying to calm down. 

Jasper looked over at a fire on the other side of the building. Alice threw James' head in the fire. The shard in his eye reflected a beautiful orange color before disappearing. 

I laid my head back down slowly and took a deep breath. It was done. It was over. Well, for everyone else at least. I was still bleeding heavily. I still looked like I was about to die. And I still felt like it. 

"We're going to get you to a hospital." Carlisle said reassuringly. But there was a look in his eyes. A look that said I might not even make it to a hospital. 

My eyes fluttered but I forced them back open. I couldn't pass out. I had to make sure Bella was gonna make it first. I needed to know she was okay. 

"Avery, calm down. You're panicking too much. Just talk to me." Jasper told me. He grabbed my hand. He was still shaking. 

Had it been any other time I would've ripped my hand away from him. But I was scared. I was so scared. Yes, Jasper had done a lot of wrong things before but he was here now; and that meant more. 

"Am I gonna die?" 

He shut his eyes tightly before answering. "No, you're not. Don't say things like that. You're going to be fine." He was just as scared as I was. 

"If-If I do, just make sure Bella is okay. Make sure she has a nice, good life. Please?" I begged. Something I thought I would never do. 

"Of course. But you're going to live."

I wanted to ask him if he could tell Jacob goodbye for me but he probably didn't know him. I wanted to apologize to Jacob for letting him on and then dying. I really wanted to see where Jacob and I would end up. I had shared so much with him and was so happy with him. I was angry and sad that I was just gonna die. My life was just gonna end here. Like this. But it was for Bella.

I had to repeat that to myself in my head. I felt better every time I repeated it. I would happily let Bella live if it meant I had to die. 

My eyes fluttered again but this time I didn't force them back open. I didn't want to fight it anymore. 

"Avery, no, stay awake. Avery, don't do this." Jasper said then his voice faded away. Everything faded away. 

But it was for Bella. 


I lowkey poured my soul into this chapter so rip me. Thanks for reading!

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