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La Push was the first thing that came to mind. The calm waves and gentle wind would bring anyone peace. Maybe it was the first thing on my mind because it's where I had that walk with Jacob. My memories with him have been good. Although there have only been a few.

I parked my car and walked to the shore. I pulled my jacket over myself tighter. The cold wasn't too bad. I sat down on the sand and pulled my legs to my chest. I watched the waves crash onto the sand and gently spread out.

My phone went off in my pocket; interrupting my peace. It was Bella. I had no reason to not answer but I honestly didn't want to. I set my phone down and let it ring.

Bella called again then sent a text. The text was pretty urgent. After that I decided to finally call her.

There were only 2 rings before she answered. "Avery?! Where are you?!" Bella asked in a panicked voice.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm fine and at La Push."

"I was so worried. You don't ever feel sick. Then Alice had a vision after you left." I heard Bella sigh. "You left and I got worried because you looked-you looked sad. You never look sad."

"It was just my mother and stuff. Let's just not talk about it." I felt tears well up in my eyes. I always hated when I got like this. When I start crying about everything. "What did you mean about Alice having a vision?" I said changing the subject. How could Alice have a "vision" anyway?

"It's a long story. It would be better to explain it in person." She paused. "Get home safe okay. I don't want to worry about you too much."

I laughed and then realization hit me. Bella must be feeling my emotions from the connection. It makes sense. She only called me all panic filled because she was worried. She also knew that I was sad and not actually feeling sick. Then again anyone with a good eye could've seen that. I hoped this connection wasn't just one way. A complex and confusing journey like this shouldn't be done alone. Maybe I just didn't want to feel even more alone than I already do.

I decided to lay back and close my eyes. The sand felt like a blanket on my back. I drifted off and thought of better memories. Memories where I wasn't sad or alone or completely lost.



he Flower Duet was playing. It was one of my mother's favorite opera pieces. My mother was sitting on a chair in the living room. Her blonde hair was messy but still looked perfect. Her eyes were closed but she was moving her hands to the song. When the notes got high her eyebrows rose slightly. She was in complete peace. My father always said my mother was the prettiest when she wasn't trying to be. This was a moment when she looked her prettiest.

I was walking over towards her. I tried to be as slient as possible but the floor creaked. My mother opened her eyes slowly and smiled. She motioned for me to come over. I sat in her lap. My nine year old self would always sit on her lap. My mother would run her fingers through my hair and close her eyes again; losing herself in the music.

It was in those moments where I also lost myself in the music. I was in peace just by being in my mother's arm.

End of flashback

The last time we had a moment like that was four days before she left. Except I was older and couldn't fit on her lap anymore. So I put my head on her shoulder and she would still play with my hair. I missed those moments more than anything.

"Avery?" A familiar voice called out. I opened my eyes to see Jacob standing above. "You scared me for a second. You looked dead from far away."

"Wait, how long have I been here?" I asked out loud.

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