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"So, how was baseball?" My dad asked me when I rushed through the door. "Is everything alright?"

"I just forget to get something and I need it now. So, I'm in a rush." I told him. I ran those two sentences about a million times in my head. I needed it to be as believable possible.

"Oh, alright then." I swear sometimes he was too gullible. It hurt me that he couldn't see through the lies.

I wanted him to do what a dad does and hug me tight, then tell me everything would be alright. But there was no guarantee of everything being alright. After I grabbed money from my drawer I walked towards him.

"I'll be back soon." I said. I swallowed in an attempt to hold back my tears.

I hugged him. I hugged him like it was the last time. I hugged him in apology for running away again. I hugged him because now there was a good chance I wouldn't make it back.

"Woah," He laughed in surprise. "What's the hug for?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "Just wanted to."

I went out the door and felt the first tear fall down my face.


We all met up back at the Cullens house. Everyone was throwing out ideas while I stayed quiet. I chewed on my nails as more and more ideas were just being thrown out.

"We're working on very limited time here so I suggest we come up with something now." I said loudly in frustration.

"Jasper and I will take Bella away from here. We'll go south." Alice suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Alright go-" I began.

"It's better if you go with her." A deep yet soothing voice said.

I turned around and suddenly and the dark skinned male vampire from the field was in front of me.

"You can mask her scent well." He continued.

"I swear if you led them-" I was ready to punch him as well.

"I did not lead anyone."

"Then why are you here?"

"To help you," A smile crept on his face "I know what and who you are. I don't believe the rest of your friends are aware of it."

"You don't know anything." I said quitely. He found one of my weak spots.

"But I do. It's best if you take my advice. James, the one who is after you, does not like the people you are associated with." He began to walk away. "He knows, and he will kill you and the girl as soon as he catches you."

He sped off without another word. I was left in the middle of the group and I still felt alone. I knew I was going to be hounded with questions.

"Avery, what did he mean?" Bella asked me. She took a step towards me but still loosely held Edward's hand.

I tried brushing the question off. "It-It was nothing."

"We need to get you somewhere safe before we worry about that."  Jasper told Bella; saving me from more questions that I couldn't answer.


After what the vampire had said about me being able to mask Bella's scent Jasper suggested/forced me to go with Bella. Mistrust and some betrayal was coming from Bella through the connection. I didn't think she'd react so heavily to what happened. I wanted to apologize but then she might demand an explanation and I can't give her that. I hated to do this to her but it's better if she doesn't know.

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