~ SIX ~

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Before we got to school Bella told me she would ask Edward about the vampire thing. I knew the answer would be yes. I just didn't know if Edward would tell the truth.

Bella and I had our usual morning parking lot conversation until she saw Edward. She excused herself and went off towards him. I watched to see how Bella would react. Then nothing happened, not here at least. They walked off together to the woods. I became somewhat angry. Mostly because I knew he was going to tell her the truth. I couldn't follow them either. Edward would be able to sense me. I had to use the connection.

I rummaged through my bag for my car keys. Before I found my keys I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked up and saw all of the Cullens staring directly at me. When I found my keys I sat down in my car, turned on the radio and closed my eyes. I played the most calming music I had and began focusing.

"Say it...out loud. Say it"

"Vampire." Now I was able to hear Bella's voice as well.

"Are you afraid?"

I swear if he does anything, I'm gonna have to--no I can't. I need to stay calm. I doubt he'll hurt her.


She actually trusted him?! Suddenly I became short of breath like if something heavy was on my chest. Then panic and anxiety filled me. It wasn't from Bella or myself. I broke concentration and had to open my car door. I got of my car in a rush. The air in there just wasn't enough. Angela was nearby and helped me out of my car.

"Oh my God, Avery, are you okay?!" She asked me.

I couldn't answer her. I was freaking out over nothing, for no reason. For a couple of long minutes I was like that. Couldn't breathe, couldn't focus, all I could do was panic. When it finally passed the bell had rang. Angela was with me the whole time.

"Okay, I'm good now. I'm good." I said. I put my hand to my chest to make sure my breathing had calmed.

"You looked like you had a panic attack. Are you sure you're alright?" Angela asked me.


I saw Jasper walk by, he was holding hands with Alice. Alice was giving me a look. It was as if she was angry with me. Jasper just looked as if he took pity on me. I swear he's doing some weird vampire magic.


Bella didn't show up to lunch. She must've still been with Edward. I checked to make sure she was still alive. All the Cullens have been doing is making me dislike them more and more.

When I got to my history class with Jasper I asked him about this morning.

"Look, I already know what you are. I knew before Bella figured it out. I just want to know if you did anything to me this morning."

Jasper gave me the most confused look. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what happened to you either."

"Stop with the bullshit!" I yelled a little to loud. It didn't matter to me anyway.

"You need to lower your voice." He said through gritted teeth.

"I'll be louder if it means I get an answer." Call me immature but I knew Jasper was doing something to me. I wanted an answer.

"Avery please. Calm down. I can't tell you. Not now at least. You'll find out eventually, especially with Bella finding out the truth. Which you didn't stop her from finding out." His voice got lower and more frightening. "I don't owe you anything, much less an answer." This was a whole new side to Jasper that I'd never seen.

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