A New Beggining [Chapter 1]

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It was a cloudy Autumn morning, the yellow, red and orange leaves were blowing in the breezy wind.
Jeremy was walking down the sidewalk with his novel in his hand wearing his oversized grey sweatshirt with his fluffy burnet hair blowing through the breeze with his bangs covering his emerald green eyes. As the teen looked up a flier flew against his face. Jeremy then grabbed the paper and read the flier then read it to himself.
Grand Re-Opening!
Come be apart of the new face of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria!
What could go wrong?
$100.50 a week!
To apply call:
The teen raised his eyebrow then folded the flier and placed it in his pocket then continued reading his novel walking home.
Middle School
Jeremy was 12 years old in 7th grade. He was in the hallway holding his text books and note books at the end of the school day on his way to his locker avoiding the whispers and the looks he was given by the other students.
Jeremy Fritzgarald was a exchange student from a private school, it was his second day at the Middle School, he had fluffy burnet hair with his bangs covering his eyes. He was a anti-social boy that barely talks and stutters when he does, he usually wears a sweater or a t-shirt with a long sleeve shirt underneath who lives with his mother.
As the young boy walked toward his locker he felt a shove behind him and dropped his books to the floor. He didn't even bother to see who had pushed him so he got to his knees to pick up his text books and supplies.
He then felt a kick on his side and fell to the floor dropping his things, covering the side of his body in pain. He looked up to see a pair of Icy blue eyes. The kid that seemed to have no hair, red beanie, a grey t-shirt and torn up jeans with bandages wrapped around his hands standing over him.
"Hey guys look! We gotta new bitch here!" the boy spoke as he called to the other boys a few feet away. One of them had purple died hair and clear white eyes, and the other was just a boy with dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes.
"Ay Mikey, I'm kind of bored, maybe we should have some fun with the new kid, give him a few lessons about stepping onto our campus" the dirty blonde haired boy spoke as he grinned at the burnet on the floor.
"Yea, I'd like that" Mikey agreed as he grinned at the boy as well.
All three boys then started to kick the burnet and calling him rude remarks making the other kids around them laugh hysterically.
A kid then yelled in the crowd
"Hall Monitor!!!"
Everyone then immediately ran away from the scene leaving the burnet on the ground. The hall monitor then walked through the corridor's and saw the burnet on the floor. The boy then quickly rushed over to him. He had ginger curly hair, big glasses and freckles and was wearing a t-shirt and some khaki pants with braces.
"Oh my god are you okay?" The boy asked as he helped the burnet up. The burnet was shaking and crying from the pain, he could feel the bruises swelling up in his soft stomach. The ginger haired boy helped him up and wrapped the burnet's arm around his shoulder for support.
"Here I'll take you to the nurses office" the nerdy boy said as he started to walk with the other injured boy.
"I'm Fritz by the way..." He spoke again as they arrived to the Nurses door.
The nurse gasped and rushed over toward the two boys." Oh my word! What happened to this poor boy?" The women with long black hair exclaimed as she bent down and looked at the burnet.
"I just found him like this, his stuff is all on the floor in hallway 600" Fritz explained as he still had Jeremy's arm wrapped around his shoulder as the nurse scanned the burnet's injuries.
"Thank you Fritz, I'll take care of him for now, tell Mr. Vendetta about this if you have the chance" the nurse ordered as she helped the burnet into the chair in the waiting room of the office.
Fritz nodded then left the room. The nurse quickly rushed behind the counter and grabbed the med-kit then bent down in front of the burnet who had blood dripping from his lip and a bruise on his cheek with tears still streaming down his face onto the floor.
"Oh sweetly in so sorry, we'll get you patched up right away, now tell me where did you get hurt" the nurse asked with a warm voice looking at the boys innocent face.
"M-my s-s-stomach..." Jeremy said softly as he wiped his tears.
The nurse nodded then lifted his oversized sweater and saw dark bruises cover his stomach, she gasped and placed her hand on her mouth lost for words.
"Who did this?" She asked as she looked at the boys face again.
Jeremy was about to speak but then he thought, what if the boys got in trouble, what if they come for him again? He shook his head then finally spoke.
"I-I f-fell e-earlier o-on the rocks a-and then w-when I stepped I-inside t-the hall I-I fell a-and landed o-on my books"
Jeremy knew that was very uncertain to believe but he didn't want to get himself hurt by the boys if he told the truth.
"Are you telling me the truth?" She asked staring straight into emerald green with her hazel brown eyes.
He nods his head timidly. The nurse sighs then grabs a rag from the med-kit and gets up walking toward the sink. She then applied cold water to the rag and turned the sink off then walked back toward the boy and bent down at his height and pulled his shirt up rubbing to rag against the swollen bruises. Jeremy flinched then looked away from the coldness of the rag against his skin.
After a while the nurse did what she could to make the swollen bruises feel slightly better, and it wasn't long until his mother arrived and was sitting next to her son.
"Okay, he should be fine, I'm so sorry that we had to call you on suck short notice Mrs. Fritgarald" the nurse apologized as she stood over her.
"Oh no it's quiet alright, if you hadn't of called I would of gone crazy hehe" Mrs. Fritzgarald assured the nurse as she stood in front of her.
"Thank you again Miss. Alison" Thanked Mrs. Fritgarald giving the nurse a warm smile.
The nurse nodded," Of coarse, have a good afternoon".
"You too come on Sunshine" Mrs. Fritgarald said as she looked down at her son who was standing next to her hugging around her waist.
The two then walked outside of the building to the car.
They drove home in silence. When they arrived home they got out of the car and entered inside.
Jeremy sat down on the couch placing his hand softly on his stomach looking down on the floor.
The boy jerked his head toward his mother as she came over and bent down to his height.
"I know that you didn't fall on any rocks to get all of those bruises... What really happened sunshine..." She asked with her eyes with a warm gaze into emerald green. There was a long silence until Jeremy finally spoke.
"I-it w-was b-boys..." Jeremy finally admitted.
"A-a boy w-with p-purple hair a-and w-white eyes... A-a boy w-with dirty b-blonde h-hair a-and a-a boy w-with a-a beanie..." Jeremy said at a low tone as he looked down not making any contact with his mother.
Mrs. Fritzgarald then sat next to her son and wrapped her warm arms around her son. He curled next to her and started to feel tears stream down his cheeks. He then tightened his fingers into her shirt sobbing softly onto her chest feeling her hand stroking his hair.
She then started humming to Jeremy, he started to suck up the rest of the tears in his eyes and wrapped his arms around her listening to her soft hum and heartbeat.
"W-why d-do people h-hate me...?" Jeremy asked rubbing his nose and wiping his eyes.
"No one hates you baby... People are just very mean... You have to learn how to defend yourself" she said with her voice soft and warm.
"B-but I-I can't h-hurt anyone... I-I don't w-wanna be like dad..."
She sighed," I know baby... People like daddy are very bad people, don't worry sunshine. I promise everything will get better soon... I bet you tomorrow will be better" she assured the burnet giving a warm smiling stroking his fluffy hair.
Jeremy smiled and eased his shoulders tightening his arms around his mother.

Tomorrow's another day...

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