4. The ones who matter most

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                Heloise groaned as she got out of bed Monday morning. She could smell eggs frying from the kitchen and already Alifair was awake putting on her stockings. "It's time to get up, Hannah," she said reaching across the bed and nudging her sister.

Selene was still asleep in the next bed, but Miriam, Taitiann and Astrid had already gone. Deciding to let Selene sleep, Heloise washed up and dressed herself.

Mrs. Fairchild was filling a cup with orange juice when the girls came downstairs for breakfast. She would have to be gone to her job over in Angel Veil soon and preparing breakfast for the Dewitt children. This was why her children had to be up extra early, before the sun.

"Heloise," Mrs. Fairchild said and Heloise jerked her head up from the table. "I'll be home late tonight, make sure Hannah gets her homework done and I don't want ya'll running around after dusk."

"Yes ma'am," Heloise said as a rooster crowed.

"I sure can't wait for school to be out," Hannah said. "That way we can go to work with you again."

"You actually enjoyed that?" Alifair asked.

"Well not the cleaning part, but I liked being with my Mama," Hannah said.

"Taitiann baked you brownies last night," Mrs. Fairchild said. "I've packed them in your lunches.

Hannah clapped her hands at this news. Now, if there were no potatoes in her lunch then the day would be just heavenly.

"Be sure to thank God for your meal and ask for a good day," Grace Fairchild said as she removed her apron. She kissed each of the girls. "Bye now." She picked up her bags on the way out the door and was gone.


After they had cleaned up breakfast the girls raced off to school. When they came to the fork in the road Heloise left Forsythe Street and turned down the next lane.

"Heloise," Alifair called after her, but Heloise ignored her and ran down to the white fence with Hannah following her.

"These brownies are good," Hannah said.

"Hannah," Heloise scolded. "You were supposed to wait until after you had lunch."

"It's torment to wait that long," Hannah said licking her fingers and collecting crumbs from the cresses in her dress.

"Hannah, Heloise come on we'll be late!" Alifair called from up the street.

"See you soon!" Heloise bid the house farewell and started running again. She slowed her pace when she realized Hannah was struggling to keep up. "I've been saving money," she said when they were on the road to school again. "I think we should hire a lawyer to help us get our house back."

Alifair sucked her teeth. "What lawyer would represent us? Besides you'd never have enough money. Lawyers are expensive."

"Why not?" Heloise challenged. "Daddy has been saving money and so have I. I haven't bought sweets from Mr. Calico in over a month. You'll see, Alifair. They'll all see. One day we will have it back."

Alifair sighed. "Yes..." she said. "But who knows what it might really cost us in the end."


It was a fast day at school for Miriam and she sat at her desk after hours grading papers. Taitiann swept the classroom and Astrid cleaned the windows while they waited for their sister to finish. Miriam had just added another paper to the graded pile when she heard a thump on threshold. Her heart jumped and she looked up and saw three men standing there.

Fairchild's 7 Daughters-The 12: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now