5. Romance at a Short Notice

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"Where have you two been?" That was the first thing Miriam hit them with when they came through the door. "I'm trying to get Supper on the table before mama get's home. I could have used some help, Selene."

Selene pulled the pins out of her hat and removed it. "I got delayed," she said hanging it on a hook by the door. She and Heloise pulled the wagon in the house and parked it in the corner.

"Books," Miriam scoffed. "I hope that's not how they are paying you now."

Selene sighed. "I need a larger variety," she said removing her gloves. "Honestly, must you criticize everything I do?" She marched into the kitchen and slammed them on the counter.

"I worry about my little sister and I get blamed for criticizing," Miriam said sarcastically as Selene used a bucket of water to scrub her hands.

"Yes!" she said drying her hands on a rag. "Ever since we were girls you had something negative to say about me. Even when I was four you told me to hold my fork like you, to fold my hands in prayer like you and to walk like you. You try to govern everything I do. That's why I went to school to be a teacher, because of you. And look what good that did me."

"I offered you to come to the school house in Custardville," Miriam said going over to the wagon and picking up one of the books. "But you said no."

"Stop fighting," Heloise interjected. By now Hannah and Astrid had been disturbed from their homework and were standing on the stairs.

"You took a petty job reading to people," Miriam said and threw the book back in the wagon.

"People appreciate what I do," Selene said.

"They don't pay you enough," Miriam said stepping into the kitchen. "The St. Clouds don't pay you at all."

Selene looked at her sister in alarm.

"Mrs. St. Cloud let it slip the other day when I returned her button hook," Miriam said. "If Father knew you were working without pay he'd be furious. I advise you not entertain the St. Clouds and spend that time elsewhere. Missus St. Cloud can read to her son herself."

Selene tried to walk away but Miriam blocked her. "Get out of my way, Miriam."

"You're supposed help provide for this family, not take on a blind charity case!" Miriam shouted. "My wages can't keep the girls in clothes and Taitiann works and goes to school. Ma and Pa just barely get by." She grabbed her sister's arm when she tried to walk away. "Either demand they pay you or find someone else who will."

Astrid rushed into the kitchen. "I could work too," she said. "Please don't fight."

"Don't try to shame me," Selene said to Miriam.

"I'm just trying to harden my sister before the rest of the world does," Miriam said. "You've always been a romantic, Selene and you haven't improved spending time reading books to that lame Jethro St. Cloud."

Selene didn't think. "Don't you dare speak of him that way!" she exploded which was very unlike her. "Young Mr St. Cloud has been a better friend to me these past six years than you have. All you do is think of yourself and force everyone to be like you. Well I will never be like you! So help me may I never be as cold and contemptuous as you!"

Miriam gasped as Selene fled upstairs. The eldest sister looked around at her younger ones with her hand to her heart then she slowly went over to the cooking pot. The room stayed silent for a long time, only interrupted by the slam of the bedroom door.

Fairchild's 7 Daughters-The 12: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now