38. Strangers in This Town

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Miriam jumped awake from a bad dream only to find herself safe on the return train from Colorado. Next to her Selene was still sleeping but looked troubled. The train whistle echoed faintly beyond their window as they came to a crossing. Reaching over her sister, Miriam pulled the shade closed then tried going back to sleep.

Seeing their mother had only been partly successful. She only mumbled in her sleep and only opened her eyes for a few minutes. They were unable to explain to her their situation and were unsure if she was aware that their father was dead. They asked around but no one was able to tell them where he was buried only adding to the mystery of his sudden death.

Miriam had wanted to take their mother with them but was warned that the journey might be too much for her. After going so long without seeing her mother it had broken her heart to see her so vulnerable. She remembered how well she had attended their bedsides when each of them was sick. Miriam thought about staying in Colorado to take care of her but her mother told her to return and take care of her sister. Miriam had so badly wanted to tell her everything but never got the chance.

Now she feared her mother would die alone without loved ones by her side. Perhaps after they left Oklahoma Territory she would return to Colorado and stay with their mother. At least then her sisters would have Selene, and Taitiann was plenty capable of helping as well. No one had been there for her father so she had to be there for her mother.

It was in the black of the early morning that they arrived in Oklahoma Territory. Selene was still sleepy as they disembarked and started the walk to the St. Cloud's home. As they walked up the dark abandoned streets Selene kept glancing over her shoulder.

"We should have had someone meet us," she said looking through the fog. "Miriam, shine the light over there."

Miriam raised the lantern casting a dim glow on the yonder buildings. "Your nerves are getting to you," she chided her sister.

"But I declare I feel someone following us," selene said stopping and looking back. The fog was thick which only heightened her sense of fear. "Shhh, do you hear that it?" They listened. "It sounds like footsteps."

Miriam listened hard and heard what she thought sounded like the jingle of reins or chains. She took Selene by the hand and held the lantern up high. "Come on," she said after seeing nothing. They had walked on for about a minute when they heard the sounds again. They spun around quickly and were met with a wall of fog.

"There." Selene pointed to a shadow cast on the haze which quickly vanished. "What was that?"

Miriam replied by taking her sister's hand more tightly and quickening their pace. Soon they were running. When they got away from the town and on the road to the St. Cloud place they stopped and looked back out of breath.

"See anything?" Miriam asked as Selene looked through the fog.

"No," Selene replied. "What do you think it was?"

"I don't know. Could have just been someone else from the train. We had better keep going."

When they reached the St. Cloud home, only then did they let their guard down. A few windows were already illuminated as the servants made their early rounds throughout the house. Miriam had never found the place as welcoming as she did now. John opened the door for them and the sisters were relieved to be out of the dark.

"Did something frighten you ladies?" the old man asked.

"We thought we were being followed," Selene said taking off her hat and gloves.

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