28. Spinning Top

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-Memories of Attack-

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-Memories of Attack-

Jethro stood still as Selene moved around him, checking every inch of the sweater vest she had made for him. It was green and yellow and had been made as a sudden thought.

"How does it feel?"

"Comfortable," Jethro said. "It fits very nice. You did a good job."

"Thank you," Selene said with a smile. "This is my first article of wool clothing I made." She ran her fingers over the fabric. "It's not too itchy is it?"

Jethro laughed. "Not at all, it's perfect. Jessop was talking about your work just the other day."

"Oh," Selene said. "I hope he wasn't boasting about me too much."

Jethro laughed again. "Jessop doesn't boast about other people. He was...pleased. I think you should go into business. You know I always admired people who made things out of nothing. That's why I wanted to be an architect. People who sew, draw, write...potters. It's as if God said, here, I want you to know what it feels like to create something."

Selene smiled. There was nothing more attractive than a pious man. "Well...we had better get this off..."

"I think I'll wear it today," Jethro said. "It looks good on me doesn't it?" He smiled at her and Selene felt she would turn into a puddle. As if out of their own control they took each others' hands and Jethro pulled her close to him and planted a kiss on her cheek then rested his forehead on hers.

She looked into his warm brown eyes and though she knew he could not see her she could see love in them.

The parlor and Taitiann breezed in. "I...I was just coming to get you. Um..."

Selene hurried to her sister. "We were just..."

Taitiann patted her hand. "Young Mr. St. Cloud, you wouldn't mind if I stole my sister for a spell would you?"

Red faced in nervous, Jethro shook his head.

Taitiann led Selene out of the parlor and closed the door behind them. She glanced at her sister which was enough to make Selene turn away. "How long has this been going on?"

"Does it matter?" Selene asked then spun back around. "No one can know."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, yes I do."

Taitiann nodded. "You do realize you a playing with fire?"

Selene scoffed. "I never minded the heat. You won't tell Miriam will you? She'll never forgive me, she'll disown me—"

Taitiann took her hand. "I'd never give you away," she said.

Selene let out her breath. "So, what did you need me for?" she asked as they started down the stairs.

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