32. The Secret Ball

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Annie Mount-Helens was over as often as she could be to have Selene work on her dress. It was decided that it would be white with pink ribbons.

"I must look unique," Annie insisted. "No other woman must be complimented at my wedding."

Selene smiled up at her as she worked on the length of the dress skirt. "All eyes will be on you." She said receiving a smile from Annie.

"Now, I want something off the shoulders," Annie said. "Something not the same but similar to what the empress of Russia wore."

"I'm afraid I've never seen that," Selene said. She turned her head at the sound of a dog barking but was quickly snapped back to attention by Annie's cheerful voice.

"Oh I'll bring you some clippings to look at!" She turned and looked at herself in the mirror. "As much as I love fashion I dare say I'm no good at sewing. But that's what people like you are kept around for. Ira and I want to live in Georgia after we are married. If you'd like you could come along and stay with us. That way I'll have you all to myself."

"I couldn't do that," Selene said. "I'd need to look out for my sisters."

Annie giggled. "They'll have plenty of looking after," she said. "Besides I know the real reason why you might not like to come." She pulled away from Selene suddenly and flopped down on the sofa. "And that reason is a man."

Selene nearly dropped her pins and needles which made Annie laugh.

"I fear I may have overheard gossip about you and Ira's cousin Jethro."

"Where did you hear that?" Selene asked as she collected her things.

"Oh it's just something Andrew Addams mentioned over supper last night. My father was so irate he nearly had him thrown from the table." She put her leg up on the arm of the sofa. "But you know better than to fool in something like that. You'd marry from among your own kind."

Selene stuck her needles into the cushion on the table. "I think I hear my sister calling me." She hurried out the door leaving Annie alone on the sofa. Rushing down the stairs she nearly collided with Kitty St. Cloud.

"Selene you must come, you must come quickly!" She grabbed the young woman's hand and dragged her along. "Jessop is back but he is not alone."

"Well surely Taitiann is with him," Selene said.

"Yes but that is not all!" Kitty exclaimed. "Come, come you will not believe it." They rushed across the ballroom and up the halls until they reached the front door which was crowded with servants. Still holding onto Selene's hand Kitty pushed her way through them. It was only when they reached the bottom steps did she let her go.

Selene paused. Such a heat filled her that she couldn't be bothered by the cold. "Heloise!" she screamed and ran to her sisters. "Hannah, Alifair!" She fell to her knees and embraced them. "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming."

"I thought that too at first," Taitiann said, holding her horse by the reins. "But it's all real, Selene." She giggled as Selene repeatedly embraced her sisters. "We are truly together again."

Selene rose to her feet. "How did you find them?"

"Accident or blessing," Taitiann said.

"We came all the way from Maine," Hannah boasted. "I have the whole story ready to tell."

"Well," Marion St. Cloud said from the doorway, "we'll fetch your sisters from town, pour something warm to drink and hear all about it." He beckoned everyone inside then waited for his son. "You did well," he said as Jessop watched the horses being led away.

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