6. Happy Anniversary

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Heloise felt Astrid nudge her awake and she jerked her head up. Mrs. Fairchild didn't accept her daughters falling asleep during service. With a yawn she took out her fan to stir the rising hot air. She stole a glance at the lady next to her then looked down at the floor below where the white folks sat. It looked so much cooler down there in the pathway of the opened doors and windows.

"I should be down there," she whispered to Astrid next to her. "My skin is as white as theirs." The older sister paid no attention to Heloise's remark and kept her mind focused on the talk being given below.

Old Town was a pleasant town for the most part, but from where she stood Heloise couldn't see why the people sat separated. She was living proof that skin color didn't make any difference in a person and it was the soul that mattered in the end. As her parents lingered talking to friends Heloise joined Astrid by the rose bushes that stretched halfway down the lane. Mrs. St. Cloud suddenly approached with a smile on her face. Her red hair was done up in the latest fashion and she examined the girls clothes with approval.

"Afternoon girls," she greeted. "I hope you have something planned for your mother and father tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good," Mrs. St. Cloud said. "I have something planned too." She giggled like a little girl. "I know it isn't the custom but I just couldn't resist."

"Kitty," Mr. St. Cloud called to his wife.

"Just stop by the shop tomorrow and pick it up. I don't want to intrude on your celebrations."


"I'm coming, Harold," Mrs. Fairchild said. "Now you young ladies behave yourselves and keep out this awful sun." She raised her parasol and sauntered over to her husband and son.


On Monday Heloise, Alifair and Hannah raced home to complete their decorations for their parents' anniversary. When Miriam, Taitiann and Astrid arrived they had most of it finished, but Miriam still critiqued everything in her special way.

"Where are you going?" she asked when she saw Heloise heading out the front door.

"Mrs. St. Cloud asked me and Astrid to pick up a gift for mother and father." Heloise replied. "I'll be right back."

"All right," Miriam said. "And if you see Selene tell her to hurry up with that cake.

"Yes, Miriam," Heloise said and skipped down the steps with Astrid.


The wind rustled loudly in the trees, the forerunner of a coming storm. Heloise spun up the lane through town with Astrid until they reached the shoe store. Pushing open the door they fixed their windblown clothes and hair.

"Oh good there you are," Mrs. St. Cloud said. She stepped around a stack of luggage and hastily made her way over to them. "I should have known you wouldn't forget." She gave them a smile then went over to the counter. "I hope they like it." She said picked up a box wrapped in brown paper and decorated with a red bow. "I wasn't sure what their favorite colors were."

Astrid took the box. It wasn't heavy but there was a good weight to it. "I'm certain they'll love it."

Heloise had turned her attention to the luggage. "Mrs. St. Cloud?"

"Yes, Heloise?"

"Do you have a house guest?"

Mrs. St. Cloud laughed. "Oh no, child. We couldn't fit any guests in this house. Mr. St. Cloud is going to see his brother in Oklahoma Territory." She ran her hand over a shoe shelf to smear the dust away. "There's a doctor who has set up his practice there and he might be able to help Jethro regain his sight."

Fairchild's 7 Daughters-The 12: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now