36. Mr. Callaway's Ghost

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"But don't you want to go to the wedding?"

Selene sat at the mirror pinning her hair up as she thought over Heloise's question. Yes she had worked hard on Annie's dress, and yes she was happy for her but she hadn't really expected to be invited. The truth was Mr. Mount-Helens wasn't too proud of the dress and had paid less than the agreed price. Selene had kept this among her sisters in order not to start a debate between the St. Clouds and the Mount-Helens since their children were about to be joined.

"I'd rather be here with you." Selene answered her honestly. "Miriam says we're going to have a celebration for ourselves! Won't that be grand?"

Heloise smiled. She also thought about that delicious cake they had baked yesterday and the petticoat tail shortbread cookies that Miriam told them they would eat. Since the wedding was to be such a grandiose event the servants of the bride and the bridegroom's households were asked to serve. Of course no one wanted to miss this ostentatious event so all the servants eagerly went, even John.

After the St. Clouds had gone the sisters prepared for their party. They lined the tables with the delicious foods they had made and put on their best dresses. With permission from Mr. St. Cloud they brought out the gramophone and played Maple Leaf Rag. They told stories and played games and of course they danced beneath the illuminated ballroom dome.

"Who wants to play hide-and-seek?" Hannah asked after the sisters had made their feet sore from dancing and Joplin's rag had played a dozen times.

"I'll play with you." Heloise said getting to her feet. "Astrid, Alifair, will you play with us?"

"Please, Astrid, you're so good at seeking." Hannah clasped her hands together and begged.

"All right," Astrid laughed. "I don't mind."

Alifair who had been sitting in silent objection on the floor now stood. "I'll play if Astrid is playing," she said.

"Are you afraid?" Hannah teased.


"I bet you are afraid." Hannah said. "Alifair is afraid, Alifair is afraid!"

"Now, Hannah don't tease so," Miriam said. "She has agreed to play with you."

"Yes, Miriam," Hannah said then grabbed Heloise by the hand. "Let's go," she said and ran off.

"Just one minute," Miriam stopped them. "You are not to enter any rooms we are not allowed in during the day. And I don't want you opening any doors or climbing on furniture. You may use the library and the kitchen but that is all aside from the west rooms of the house."

The younger girls all said they understood and raced off for their hiding places while Astrid counted.

"Count to one hundred," Hannah said as she ran out the door with Heloise and Alifair. "No more, no less!"

As the night aged the sisters sat around the ballroom of the empty house reminiscing and talking about the future. Jethro had said the reception would carry on well into the morning and this proved true as the clock struck midnight and not so much as a wash maid had been seen.

Miriam leaned back in a chair and hummed a tune as she starred up at the ceiling. "Life seems to be in suspension here," she said over the tune of the rag.

Selene turned towards her. "I agree. You know I wander what Mama and Papa expect from us. We've been with them all our lives. Do you think they want us to marry and move away?"

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