33. Tell them who killed you

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-Discussions of Attack-

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-Discussions of Attack-

With Taitiann back, Selene was now able to focus on Annie's wedding dress. The third sister however was insistent on following Jessop St. Cloud again when he went to meet his contacts in Omaha in the spring. He had said that they were a traveling show and that it was no good to try and chase them down when he knew where they would be in the spring. For now he stayed in his office studying the will and trying to find a way to locate Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild. As the results came back negative he began to doubt they were still alive.

"It's raining," Astrid said as the soft patter fell on the glass windows of the shop's back room. "I've missed the rain."

Jethro listened to the sound of the middle March rain as it dripped down the rooftops. "I had better bring the horse under the cover," he said getting up from his chair.

Alifair was up in the next second. "I'll help you." The two went outside through the back door. It was only a light rain but it made the air turn cold and uncomfortable for the horse. The animal was swishing its tail and stomping the muddy ground when they untied it from the post.

Alifair stroked it side as it pushed its head into Jethro's chest nearly knocking him over. "What is his name?"

"I think my uncle just calls him the surrey horse," Jethro said then smiled at Alifair. "You know you've become a lot warmer toward me since you've been here compared to all the years we've known each other back home."

Alifair continued to run her fingers over the horse's damp body as they led it over to a small pen with an awning. "I've never almost died before," she said. "That made me appreciate people more. Besides the Word says we should love everybody and I want to be a good Christian."

"The biggest mistake we ever made was giving the negro religion." A voice said from beyond the pen.

Jethro felt his way down the horse until he reached Alifair. "Can I help you, Andrew?"

Andrew leaned forward on the fence. "Not likely. Just everyone has been going on about the company at your uncle's house."

Jethro maneuvered himself in front of Alifair. "Do you have to carry on this way; in front of a child?"

"Nothing good can come of it."

"My aunt wouldn't appreciate you coming around here making threats and nor would your father. Have some class and respect for yourself and mind your own business."

The sound of boots on wood distracted them as Heloise came running down the porch. "Alifair, Taitiann says to come back inside before you get sick."

"So this is the white negro the town has been talking about." Andrew said turning to Heloise. The girl already looked frightened of him and took a step back. "I want to have a look at this for myself." He advanced on her and Heloise ran sending him charging after her only to be tripped by Jethro.

Fairchild's 7 Daughters-The 12: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now