34. Rite of Spring

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Spring arrived as March began its hasty retreat, rolling up the decorum of winter like a great rug. seven daughters of Fairchild had accepted the appeal to stay. They worked the shop and still ran their sewing business. Whenever the chance arrived Alifair went to the Hendricks place, having Taitiann drive her so she could play with Birdy.

Jethro recovered though he and Selene had an understanding to see less of each other. He stayed at the house and she stayed longer hours at the shop, even moving Annie's dress there. Suspicions began to clear and soon everyone could breathe again. Jessop left for Omaha with the scroll for a couple of days and everyone anticipated the news he would return with. He had also told Astrid Fairchild who he judged to be the quietest that he had a surprise for her and her sisters. This prompted the girl to wait everyday at the post.


"Why does Astrid go everyday to the post?" Hannah asked one morning when she should have been doing her lessons.

Miriam had just arrived from the house with fresh baked goods which had become high demand now that it was springtime and the weather was fit for picnics. "Do your lessons," she scolded.

"Told you," Alifair snickered at Hannah who stuck out her tongue.

"But it is strange, Miriam," Selene said as she circled Annie's wedding dress. "It's not like Astrid to do such a thing. You know Mama liked to keep her close."

Miriam dusted her hands as she finished stocking the shelves. She glanced at the clock. "It's after 2:00PM," she said. "She's never away this long." She hastily untied her apron. "Selene, Taitiann, watch things for me!" She hurried out the door and onto the street. When she was halfway up the road she noticed a horse carrying two riders coming her way. When she recognized the rider she ran towards them.

Jessop reined the horse as Miriam approached and he helped Astrid down from the saddle.

"Mr. St. Cloud," Miriam said. "Please do not take my sisters on unauthorized rides. I nearly had a heart attack."

"And you." She turned to Astrid. "Just what have you been doing at the post all this time?"

Astrid smiled despite her sister's scolding and held up a parcel she had been carrying. "A package from Papa." She beamed.

"What?" Miriam said incredulously.

Jessop dismounted and took his horse by the reins. "I wrote around until I found a prison that recognized the name," he said then reached into his jacket and handed her an envelope.

Miriam took it and hugged it to her chest. "You found my father? And what about my mother?"

"I think you should read and find out."

The three returned to the shop where Miriam summoned all her sisters. "We have news of Papa," she said making them all crowd around closer.

"I want to read it!" Hannah pleaded.

"She can't read, don't let her," Alifair said. "Let Heloise read it."

"Quiet," Taitiann said. "Miriam is the eldest so she will read it. Miriam."

Miriam thanked her sister then opened the letter. "Dear girls," she read. "I know you must have been afraid all these months for your mother and me. You shall be able to sleep peacefully now knowing that we are both well. The court decided to work me until my trial and your mama and I were sent to Colorado to work in the mines. Your mother is a cook here. I pray they will find me innocent and that we can be together soon. Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all. Take good care of one another and don't stop praying for us. I met a man here in Colorado who had seven daughters himself. It was because of him that I was able to give my own girls a little something. Don't fret, Miriam, it didn't cost a thing. With love your Papa and Mama."

Fairchild's 7 Daughters-The 12: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now