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Trunks POV
I walked out of the bathroom and looked around. I saw many people in costumes, but not Gohan.
"Hmm? Where could he be?" I asked myself.
He wasn't at our table, I was looking around when I heard someone clear their throat.
I turned around and saw Mr. Roshi.
"What do you want Mr. Roshi?" I asked.
"If your looking for Gohan I saw him walk out of the school with Frieza." Mr. Roshi said.
"What? Why would he be with Frieza?" I asked.
"I dunno. Let's go check it out." Mr. Roshi said.
I nodded and we walked towards the exit. Once we were outside I looked around.
"Gohan—" Mr. Roshi hushed me.
His brow was furrowed and his mouth in a frown.
"Something isn't right." Mr. Roshi said.
Suddenly Mr. Roshi tackled me to the ground as a bullet crashed into the wall behind us.
"What the heck!?" I yelled.
I looked at the shooter and saw Frieza smiling creepily. Mr. Roshi and I screamed and ran behind a car.
Frieza cackled evilly.
"You'll never get Gohan back!" Frieza yelled.
I gasped and clenched my fists, I stood up.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!" I roared.
Mr. Roshi pulled me down just as a bullet sailed over my head. I growled and then Mr. Roshi pulled out his phone.
"What's the police number again?" he asked.
"Are you seriously asking that?" I asked dumbfounded.
I grabbed Mr. Roshi's phone and typed in 9-1-1.
"Hello, this is the police department what is your emergency?"
"Come to Kami University now! There's a freak shooting at us!!" I screamed.
"I will send police men there immediately, they will arrive in ten minutes."
I hung up and gave Mr. Roshi his phone back.
"Hey isn't that armor of yours bullet proof?" Mr. Roshi asked.
"Hmm? Oh yeah! I'm gonna go beat the shit out of Frieza!!!" I screamed and got up.
I ran at him, Frieza's eyes widened. He aimed his gun at me.
"That won't work! This armor is bullet proof!" I yelled.
Frieza pulled the trigger and the bullet went right through my chest, out through my back!
I fell on the ground and felt blood leak out the hole in my stomach.
I groaned in pain.
"What was that about bulletproof!!" I screamed at Mr. Roshi.
"It was an honest mistake!" he yelled back.
I growled and Frieza walked over to me, he placed his foot on the hole in my stomach.
Then he pressed down on it, I screamed in pain. Frieza smirked and kicked my face repeatedly.
"You bastard! Let me up and fight like a real man." I growled.
"Heh. Alright." Frieza said.
I slowly got up and then Frieza lunged at me. He punched my face and I fell on the ground again.
"There, that fair enough for ya?" Frieza asked.
I coughed up blood and tried getting up again. Frieza kicked my side, I hit the ground again and cursed.
"Dammit, damn you old man for making me think I was indestructible!!" I yelled at Mr. Roshi.
"It was an accident!!" Mr. Roshi yelled back.
Then Frieza pointed his pistol at my face.
"Ready to die, Trunks?" Frieza asked.
Suddenly a old man appeared and tackled Frieza to the ground, Frieza hit the ground dropping his gun.
It was Mr. Roshi who tackled him, Mr. Roshi punched his face repeatedly.
Frieza pushed him off and the got up.
"I'm the second strongest in my gang. You won't win." Frieza said to Mr. Roshi.
"Don't you recognize me? I'm the world famous Mutēn Roshi!" Mr. Roshi yelled.
"The strongest Martial Artist!?" Frieza asked.
Mr. Roshi nodded and lunged at Frieza, Frieza growled and threw a kick at Mr. Roshi.
Mr. Roshi dodged the attack easily and punched Frieza's face. Frieza stumbled and then threw punches at Mr. Roshi repeatedly.
Mr. Roshi dodged them and countered them with punches of his own. Mr. Roshi jumped in the air, spun, and then slammed his foot into Frieza's face.
Frieza hit the ground and slid on it, Mr. Roshi flexed his small muscles.
"No one can beat the almighty Mutēn Roshi!" Mr. Roshi said.
Frieza then grabbed his pistol and aimed it at Mr. Roshi. Mr. Roshi squealed and put his hands up.
"Now die!!" Frieza yelled.
I got up slowly and then I picked up a rock.
I then flung it at Frieza's head, it hit his head and he hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Good job lad!" Mr. Roshi said.
"Mr. Roshi, I think I'm gonna bleed to death." I said and pointed to the hole in my stomach.
Mr. Roshi walked to Frieza and pulled him up.
"Where did you take Gohan?" Mr. Roshi growled in his face.
"I'll tell you. Master took him to those abandoned warehouses at the docks!" Frieza said.
"The docks?" I asked confused.
"Yes, he wants to torture Gohan for what his father did to us!" Frieza yelled.
"His father, his father was my apprentice once. What could he have possibly done?" Mr. Roshi asked.
"He caught us robbing a bank and beat us up with your fighting style. We went to prison for seven years because of him." Frieza said.
"That's your guys fault, not his. Why blame Gohan, not his dad?" I asked.
"We want his dad to watch his son suffer." Frieza said.
Soon we heard police and ambulance sirens, people from inside the school ran outside to see what was happening.
The ambulance stopped behind me and doctors rushed out the door. They had a stretcher and put me on it.
"Wait, police men, go to the docks. They kidnapped Gohan and took him to the abandoned warehouses." I said as the doctors carried me inside the ambulance.

Mr. Roshi's POV
I watched as the ambulance with Trunks drove away. I ran to my car and got inside it.
I turned it on and drove towards the abandoned warehouses.
I parked outside of the warehouses and ran into the building.
Once I was inside I looked around for Gohan. I walked around stealthily and then suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach.
I coughed up blood and then I looked at my attacker, a man with pink hair and black spandex clothes.
"You are Goku's master aren't you? Hello, my name is Buu." He said and then kicked my face.
I growled and quickly got up, I then spotted Gohan unconscious on the ground. He had scratches and bruises all over his body.
I grabbed a piece of wood off the ground and lunged at Buu, I swung the wood at him.
Buu dodged my swings and kicked my stomach. I growled and then I sent my knee crashing into Buu's groin.
He groaned and fell to his knees in pain, I ran to Gohan and slung him over my shoulder.
I then started running out of the warehouse to my car, but then a hand gripped my shoulder and pulled me back.
It was Buu, he punched my face and I hit the ground with Gohan. I quickly got up only to be kicked in the face.
Buu laughed.
"The world's best Martial Artist can't beat me!!" Buu laughed.
I growled and slammed my fists into the ground.
"I can't win." I said.
Buu picked me up by my shirt and punched my stomach repeatedly.
I coughed up blood and then he tossed me to the side.
"You won't win Mutēn Roshi." Buu said.
He pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at me.
"Time to die Mutēn Roshi." Buu said and pulled the trigger.
I heard a boom and then everything went black.

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