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I lunged at Spopovich and swung my foot in his direction, Spopovich blocked. Then he punched me away.
I hit the ground and quickly got back up, Spopovich grinned then he started running at me.
Spopovich laughed and threw a punch at me, I dodged barely.
How can a guy as big as him be this fast!?
I kicked his side and then punched his stomach repeatedly. Spopovich growled and kicked my face, sending me hitting the ground.
"It appears Trunks isn't strong enough to beat Spopovich!!" the announcer yelled.
I got up and lunged at him, Spopovich dodged me then he picked me up and slammed my face against the ground.
I growled and kicked him away, I got up as Spopovich ran at me again. He threw punches, kicks, and any other attacks at me. I dodged most of them, but others got me.
I ran at him, full speed, and tackled him to the ground. Spopovich hit the ground and I got on top of him, I pulled my fists back.
I roared and slammed my fists into Spopovich repeatedly.
Spopovich growled and punched my face, I spit out blood. Spopovich got up and snarled at me.
"You won't be getting lucky again." Spopovich growled and lunged at me.
He punched my face and then kicked my stomach, I coughed up blood. I held my stomach in pain, Spopovich pulled back his right fist and slammed it into my stomach!
I growled and threw several punches at him, Spopovich laughed.
"I didn't even feel those punches." Spopovich said.
"Crap." I said.
"You thought you were gonna win, but you'll actually lose. I knew you were just talk." Spopovich said.
I wiped the blood dripping from my mouth off and then I snarled.
"Spopovich, you'll pay for what you did to Gohan!!!" I roared and lunged at him.
Spopovich looked surprised when my fists repeatedly slammed into his stomach, he bent over in pain and then I kneed his face as he was bent over.
Spopovich roared and kicked my side, I growled then I punched his face. Spopovich punched my face, I kicked his side, he kicked me, and I punched him in the stomach.
Spopovich grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him. I growled, my scalp stung from the pain.
Spopovich punched me repeatedly and then he kicked me away.
I rolled on the ground, but then I got back up.
"I won't lose this, I have to win for Gohan." I growled and wiped the blood off my lips.
Spopovich flexed his muscles and I gasped at how huge his muscles are.
"Whoa! Your muscles are huge, do you use steroids!?" I asked.
"Yes." Spopovich replied.
I smirked and realized he probably doesn't have a lot of stamina.
Spopovich ran at me, I rolled out of the way.
"I'll make you use up your stamina!!" I said with a smirk.
Spopovich growled and lunged at me, I moved out of the way then I kicked his face.
Spopovich growled and threw multiple attacks at me, I moved away from his attacks.
I watched as he continued to waste his stamina, Spopovich growled and pulled out a capsule from his pocket.
He opened it and pulled two pills out of the capsule, he ate them. Spopovich laughed and I watched as his muscles grew bigger!
Spopovich laughed and stared at me.
"I didn't want to use my Super Steroids, but you've left me no choice. The bad thing is that these pills speed up my lifespan by 2 years in one minute. But it will be worth it to beat you!!!" Spopovich roared and ran at me.
"Spopovich, capsules or weapons are not allowed in the tournament." the announcer said.
Spopovich ignored him and swung his fist at me, I ducked then I slammed my fist into his stomach.
Spopovich coughed up blood and then he fell on his knees.
I pulled my fist back from his abdomen and crossed my arms.
"As I expected, steroids make your skin flabby. So those "Super Steroids" made you as flabby as a old man." I said.
I then kicked his face and he went rolling off the arena and out of bounds.
"Trunks wins by a ring out!" the announcer yelled.
The crowd roared in delight, I smiled.
I did Gohan, I did it.
I walked off the arena and towards the locker room. Spopovich followed after me, I looked at him and saw his skin getting wrinkly.
I opened the door to the locker room and walked in. I sat down on a bench and Goku walked towards me.
"Thank you Trunks. Thank you, you've made me happy, even if you don't win the tournament I'll accept you as my son's boyfriend." Goku said.
I smiled and hugged Goku, he hugged me back.
"Nice work son." dad said.
He was smiling at me.
I smiled back and then Goku released me from the hug, he smiled at me.
"Next match is Kevin vs Goku." the announcer yelled.
Goku got up and so did Kevin, the two walked out of the locker room. I got up too and walked towards the infirmary.
I walked in and saw Gohan unconscious, he had bandages all over him. I smiled and walked towards him, I held his hand.
The door to the infirmary opened and I turned to see a doctor.
"Are you Trunks?" he asked.
I nodded.
"We have some bad news, we were going to tell his father, but he's fighting in his match. The bad news is Gohan is in a coma."

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