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"Trunks!!!" I screamed.
Trunks fell on the ground with a bullet hole in his chest.
I ran to him and held him in my arms. Blood poured out of his mouth, he smiled weakly at me.
"Gohan, you gotta survive." Trunks wheezed out.
"No, you have to live with me. I can't raise a child on my own, you've been shot before just try to survive again." I said through tears.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet with me.
Beerus smirked.
"Looks like there's no one left to save you Gohan." Beerus said.
I put Trunk's arm around my shoulder so that I could help him stand and walk. Trunks growled at Beerus.
"You two can run, I'll give a five minute head start. Go." Beerus said.
I turned around and started walking fast with Trunks. Trunks groaned in pain as I forced him to walk fast, I looked at my watch.
I continued walking fast, but with Trunk's weight I was slowed down. Only ten minutes passed since Cell and Beerus attacked.
So that means when it's 11:52 he'll kill us.
I then gently placed Trunks behind a car, he groaned from the pain.
"Don't worry Trunks. I'll lead him away so that you can live." I said.
"No, what about our unborn child." Trunks said.
"Don't worry Trunks. I'll be back." I said with a smile.
"You *cough* liar." Trunks replied.
I ignored him and ran off into a alleyway. I checked my watch.
That means Beerus should be-
"Hello Gohan." Beerus said behind me.
I turned around and frowned. I clenched my fists and got into my fighting stance. Beerus stared at me and burst out laughing.
"You think you can take me on!? Hah! That's hilarious." Beerus said.
He calmed down and then he raised his gun, aiming it at me.
"Now die." Beerus said as he pulled the trigger.
I quickly ducked when he shot the gun, I ran past him and towards my house. I then saw Cell bleeding from several places, I also saw dad and Vegeta bleeding from several places.
I kept running and I then saw a rock. I picked it up and lunged at Cell, I slammed the rock into his face. He fell down unconscious, I then heard footsteps behind me.
I turned and saw Beerus running at me. Dad growled and tackled Beerus down before he got me, Vegeta then followed after dad.
Dad punched his stomach and kicked his face. Vegeta kicked him repeatedly and punched him in the stomach.
Then the two punched him in the face at the same time. Beerus stumbled back, he then smirked unfazed by their attacks.
"I expected better from you two, but it's probably because your tired from your fight with Cell." Beerus said.
He then punched Vegeta and kicked dad. They fell down, dad growled and slammed his fists against the ground.
"Damn! I'm too weak, I should've kept on training and not take a break for a month!" dad growled.
Vegeta got up slowly and looked around confused.
"Where's Trunks? D-did you kill him!? DID YOU KILL MY SON!?" Vegeta roared.
Beerus looked at him confused.
"DIE!!!" Vegeta roared and lunged at Beerus.
He punched him repeatedly in the face, kicked him in the stomach, and uppercutted him. Beerus growled and slammed his right fist into Vegeta's face!
Vegeta growled, he wasn't fazed by Beeru's punch!? Vegeta roared and kicked Beerus in the face. Beerus spit out blood then Vegeta grabbed his wrist, throwing him at Trunk's car!
Beerus crashed against it, denting the car. Vegeta then calmed down from his rage, Beerus got from the car slowly.
He cracked his knuckles and neck.
"That actually hurt, time to use all of my strength." Beerus said.
He threw off his shirt revealing his scrawny body. Beerus smirked and leaped at us, we all rolled out of the way.
Beerus lunged at me and threw a kick in m direction! Dad quickly ran in front of me and blocked the attack. Dad grabbed Beeru's ankle and slammed him on the ground.
Beerus coughed up blood from the impact, he got up and rammed his knuckles deep into dad's face.
Dad fell down unconscious, Vegeta kicked Beerus in the back. Beerus growled and turned around, he kicked Vegeta in the face knocking him out.
Now it's just me again, Beerus growled.
"At least I got a workout for awhile. Now time to kill you—"
Beerus coughed up blood, he looked down and saw the hole in his stomach.
"Damn that boyfriend of yours, I must've left my gun in the alleyway." Beerus croaked and then he fell down face first, dead.
I saw Trunks holding the gun, smoke coming out of the barrel. He dropped the gun and the he fell down.
I ran towards him, I placed his head in my lap and held him.
Tears started streaming down my face as I realized Trunks is about to die.
"Gohan, I saved you. I save you, my love." Trunks said weakly.
"No Trunks don't die!" I screamed.
"The bleeding won't stop, there's no way I will be able to survive. I love you Gohan." Trunks said.
"Trunks don't go." I said.
"Name the kid Pan, even if it's a boy or a girl. Name it Pan, I'm gonna miss you so much Gohan. I...love...you......"
Then his eyes closed and he stopped breathing.
"No!!!!" I screamed.
The door to my house opened and everyone came running out.
"Gohan what happened!?" they would ask.
I ignored them, and kept on holding Trunks.
Trunks my love, I'll never forget you.
I heard mom call an ambulance, but it's already too late. I looked at my watch.
It's 2016 now, but there's nothing happy about this new year. Nothing. I felt something wet on my face, I looked up and saw snow falling down.
I heard doors open from the neighbors houses, they were all shocked. Soon a crowd surrounded me and Trunks.
I looked at Trunk's lifeless body and cried more.
A few days later...

I stared down at a gravestone.
The name Trunks Briefs on it. It said: Here lies Trunks Briefs. A hero. A loving father and husband.
I sighed and then I started crying. I fell on my knees and held the gravestone.
"I miss you so much Trunks!!!" I sobbed.

Your All I Need (Gohan x Trunks Dragon Ball Z Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now