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"Gohan, wake up babe."
I opened my eyes and saw Cell over me.
"Get off me!" I growled and pushed him off.
He chuckled and got off of me.
"How about you put some some clothes on babe." Cell said.
I looked at myself and saw I was laying in bed naked, I squealed. I forgot to put my clothes back on after masturbating!
"Get out of my room!!" I screamed.
"Calm down babe. I just wanted to ask if your coming to the party tonight." Cell said.
"Party, what party?" I asked.
"The one Tien is throwing at the dormitory."
"I never knew there was a party, but why tonight? We got classes tomorrow."
"I dunno, are you coming though?" Cell asked.
"Maybe, if Trunks comes then I will." I replied.
"What is it about that Trunks guy you like so much?" Cell groaned.
"He's nice and not a perv like you." I snapped.
"Calm down, also when are you gonna put on clothes?" Cell asked.
I got up and grabbed the pair of boxers Trunks threw on the ground yesterday. I pulled them up and then my orange shorts.
"Now that you have your answer, get out." I pointed to the door.
Cell frowned and shook his head.
"Remember when you first got here? We never finished what we were doing in the stall." Cell said.
"We never will." I said.
"Come on babe, please." Cell pleaded and walked close to me.
I pushed him away from me and grabbed my blue shirt. I put it on and then I slipped on my vans.
I was about to leave the room when Cell grabbed my arm.
"Your not leaving this time." Cell growled.
"Stop, I don't want to do this!" I screamed in fear.
Cell pulled me to him and smashed our lips together.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth and touched my tongue.
I then bit down on his tongue, Cell yelped and pulled away, holding his mouth in pain.
I took this chance to run out of the room, I ran down the hall looking for Trunks room.
Cell was right behind me, he cackled until suddenly I heard a crack sound. I turned around and saw Frieza punched Cell away from me.
"You dumbass! You know what Master will do if he sees that the boy is hurt!" Frieza growled at Cell.
"Ow. You didn't have to punch me." Cell said, holding his cheek.
Cell looked at me with a angry look.
"I will get you Gohan. Just you wait, I will fuck you one day. Even if I have to rape you." Cell growled at me.
"Trunks won't let you, he'll protect me." I replied.
Then I continued running to Trunks room.
I knocked on his door, then it opened.
There stood Trunks. He smiled.
"Hey Gohan, what are you doing here?" Trunks asked.
"I wanna be with you." I answered.
"Alright, but we gotta be quite. My roommate is still sleeping." Trunks whispered.
When I saw his roommate I saw it was a short, bald guy.
"That's Krillin." Trunks said.
"He looks funny." I said.
"Yeah, he's also dating #18." Trunks added.
"Hm, what a lucky guy. I should probably tell Videl I'm breaking up with her." I said.
"Yeah, now I can get you all to myself." Trunks said and smacked my butt.
I blushed and then Trunks started to kiss me. His lips moved in sync with mine, his hands caressed my body.
"Gohan, you have such a beautiful body." Trunks said.
He moved his mouth to my shirt and bit the hem of my shirt. With my shirt in his mouth he pulled it up, showing my bare chest and stomach.
Trunks pushed me down on his bed gently. He hovered over me and licked my nipples.
I moaned quietly, Trunks pulled away from my nipples and then he pinched them. I yelped in pain and Trunks lightly laughed.
My shorts were getting tighter as I got an erection, I could tell Trunks had one too.
"I remember when I saw you naked. I wanted to make love when you were naked, you body is so perfect and intoxicating." Trunks whispered in my ear.
"Why didn't we?" I asked.
"It was too soon, remember what you said?"
"Oh yeah. I regret saying that." I said.
"Well, we can do it right now." Trunks said.
"With your friend here, sleeping?"
"So? I see nothing wrong with that."
"Alright, but we gotta be quiet."
Trunks smirked and pulled my shirt off, then he threw his shirt off. He pulled all my clothes off and then he took all of his off.
I stared at his huge, massive, erection. He's going to put that thing inside of me!? Trunks grabbed my erection and started stroking it fast.
I moaned.
"Faster Trunks." I pleaded.
He stroked my member faster, I bit my lip so that I wouldn't let out my moans.
"Trunks!" I yelled his name.
He went faster and faster, I clenched my toes and gripped the bedsheets.
"Ah! Trunks I'm about to cum!!" I yelled.
He then stopped, I frowned.
"Why'd you stop?" I asked.
"I wanna climax with you." Trunks answered.
He reached under his pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube.
He poured some on his hand and rubbed it all over his erection. Then he poured a little more on two of his fingers and spread my legs.
"You ready Gohan?" Trunks asked.
I nodded and then Trunks pushed his two fingers inside my hole. I moaned and hissed in pain.
Trunks pushed in out of my hole faster, I gasped and shut my eyes.
Once my hole was spread out and ready for his long cock, he pulled his fingers out and then he put his tip at the entrance of my hole.
"You sure about this Gohan?" Trunks asked.
"Yes Tru—"
The door opened and then in came a lady with blue hair and a man with flame like hair.
Trunks instantly threw blankets over us.
"Mom, dad!?" Trunks asked.
These are his parents!
"Trunks, what are you doing!?" his mom asked.
"Um...nothing. This is my friend Gohan." Trunks replied.
"Friend?" his father asked.
"I never thought you would be gay!" his mom yelled.
A little girl that looked like his mom stepped in the room, but then Trunks yelled "Bra don't look!"
The little girl, or Bra looked away.
"What are you guys even doing here?" Trunks asked.
"We came to visit you." his dad replied.
I just watched as they talked back and forth.
"Well, we might as well accept the fact that you swing that way. Lets just greet his boyfriend." his dad said.
His mom sighed and agreed. They walked to me and shook my hand.
"Hello my names Bulma. This is my husband Vegeta." Bulma said.
"You look familiar, you look like my old friend Kakarot." Vegeta said as he studied my face.
"Kakarot? My dad always told me he had a friend that called him Kakarot." I replied.
"Hmm. You must be his son, didn't think he and Chichi would actually have a son." Vegeta said.
"I'll tell him I saw you. Mr. Briefs." I said.
"So, I guess we'll go and let you two finish this." Bulma said.
"Yeah, I'll see you guys at Thanksgiving." Trunks said and waved.
They then left the room. I sighed and then Trunks turned to me.
"You wanna continue?" Trunks asked.
I nodded excitedly, Trunks smirked and then he threw the blankets off of us.
"Huh? Trunks who are you doing?"
"Krillin!?" Trunks asked in shock.
"Why do we keep getting interrupted?" I whined.
I was walking with Trunks to the party. The moon shined down on us. He smiled at me, I smiled back.
"So, Gohan. When we gonna have fun again? Since we didn't get to finish." Trunks said.
"Maybe, about tomorrow." I answered and winked at him.
"Yes!" Trunks yelled in victory.
I giggled and reaches for his hand, we intertwined fingers. I smiled and snuggled into Trunks as we walked.
"So are we dating?" Trunks asked.
"Huh? Oh, I'm not sure." I replied.
Trunks nodded and pulled his hand away from mine. I frowned. Then I felt a smack on my butt!
"Cell!" I growled and turned around.
There he stood, he crossed his arms. A smirk on his face.
"Gohan doesn't like when you do that so quit it Cell!!" Trunks yelled.
"I don't have to, unless you wanna make me." Cell said with a creepy smile on his face.
Trunks growled and I saw a vein throb on his forehead.
"I will." Trunks growled.
Cell chuckled.
"You don't stand a chance against me." Cell replied.
Cell then grabbed me and pulled me to him.
I tried to push him off, but I was too weak.
Trunks growled and clenched his fists.
"Let him go, now!" Trunks roared.
Cell laughed and then smashed our lips together! My eyes widened and that was when Trunks lunged at Cell.
Cell pushed me out of the way and dodged Trunks punch. Cell threw a kick at Trunks, Trunks dodged and tackled Cell to the ground.
"Stop!" I screamed.
Trunks was on Cell, punching his face repeatedly. Cell pushed him off and got up.
So did Trunks, the two lunged at each other. Cell punched Trunks in the face and then kicked his stomach!
"I studied Martial Arts for years, there's no way you can beat me!" Cell laughed as he continued to punch Trunks.
Cell grabbed Trunks by the collar of his shirt and slammed him on the sidewalk.
Trunks groaned in pain and got up slowly, blood and scratches were all over him. He growled.
"You studied Martial Arts for years, well my dad is a Martial Artist!!" Trunks roared and lunged at Cell.
Cell growled and kicked Trunks.
Trunks coughed up blood, he held his stomach in pain. Cell grabbed his hair and yanked him towards his face.
"You won't win." Cell growled in his face.
Trunks pulled back his fist and slammed it into Cell's face!
Cell fell on the ground and held his face in pain. Cell got up with blood dripping down his mouth.
He laughed and said "This might be fun!"
He ran at Trunks and kicked his side, Trunks kneed his face, Cell punched his stomach, and Trunks punched his face.
I regret not asking dad to teach me Martial Arts. He is a professional Martial Artist.
"Stop fighting!" I screamed and ran in between them.
The two stopped and then Trunks scoffed.
Cell chuckled.
"Next time, Gohan won't be here to stop the fight." Cell said and continued walking to the party.
"Trunks, I don't wanna go to the party anymore. And, thank you for protecting me." I blushed and hugged him.
Trunks smiled and hugged me back.
"Let's go back to my room." Trunks said.
I nodded and we walked back towards the school.

Your All I Need (Gohan x Trunks Dragon Ball Z Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now