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I woke up in Trunk's arms. He was still asleep, I smiled as I watched him sleep.
I kissed his lips softly and got out of bed. I went to my closet and picked out my white longed sleeved with my black pants.
I watched as Trunks wakes up, when he opened his eyes he smiled at me.
"Good morning babe." Trunks said.
"Good morning handsome." I replied.
Trunks got out of my bed and went to his book bag, he pulled out a black tank top and jeans.
He pulled his clothes on and he walked towards me.
"So...you ready to tell your parents about our relationship?" Trunks asked.
I sighed and shook my head saying no.
"I wanna wait until dinner." I answered.
"Alright." Trunks said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
He then pulled me into his lap, I squealed in surprise.
"Calm down Gohan." Trunks said.
I did and grabbed the remote off my bed, I turned on the TV.
"What do you wanna watch?" I asked Trunks.
"The Walking Dead." Trunks replied.
"I don't think it's showing that today since it's Saturday, but I can watch it on Netflix." I said.
I put on Netflix and put in the search box: The Walking Dead.
I put Season 1 Episode 1. After finishing that episode I found out that Trunks was asleep.
I shook him lightly and he opened his eyes.
"Sorry for falling asleep babe." Trunks said and kissed my cheek.
He lightly pushed me off him and he walked into the bathroom. I sighed and then realized my but was sore, Trunks was too hard last night.
I got up and walked out of my room, I walked downstairs to see mom and dad eating in the kitchen.
"Good morning Gohan." mom said with her bright smile.
"Hey son, where's Trunks?" dad asked.
"He's using the restroom." I answered.
"So Gohan, there's the World Tournament coming up. I was wondering if you and Trunks wanted to join?" dad asked.
"Trunks probably will, but I stopped training when I was 11. So I'm not sure. Maybe if I start training again." I said.
"It's on Monday, you got today and tomorrow to train." dad said.
"Alright I enter the tournament." I replied.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I looked at the stairs and saw Trunks walking down them.
"Hey Trunks." I waved.
"You guys talking about the World Tournament? I'm going to join it, my dad will too." Trunks said.
"Awesome! I've been wanting to fight Vegeta for so long!!" dad said happily.
"If you win the tournament this time Goku, imagine all the zeni we could have!!!" mom said.
My parents are in a good mood, this is the perfect time to tell them. I grabbed Trunk's hand and cleared my throat.
"Mom, dad. Trunks and I have been seeing each other for a month. We've already had sex twice and declare our love for each other." I said.
Mom stared at me with big eyes, then she started laughing, and then she fell on the ground unconscious.
Dad looked at me with a shocked face, when he turned to Trunks he had a glare.
Dad got up and walked towards Trunks, Trunks stared up at dad terrified. Dad grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the wall.
"Did you force my son to have sex?" dad asked angrily.
"No sir! We both agreed to it!!" Trunks yelled frantically.
I ran to dad and grabbed his arm.
"Dad let him go!" I growled as I pulled on his arm. Dad pushed me aside and snarled in Trunk's face.
"Get out of my house, you may never see Gohan again." dad growled into Trunk's face.
"What!? No way dad, I love him!!" I yelled.
"Your still young, you don't know what love is. I can't believe you did this without telling your mother or me." dad said.
I had tears in my eyes as dad looked at me with disappointment. Trunks looked at me with scared eyes.
"I'm sorry Trunks." I said.
"It's okay." Trunks replied.
Then Trunks turns to dad.
"Mr. Son, I will do anything for your approval." Trunks said.
"Your that desperate!? What is there you could do, oh I got something in mind. Enter and win the World Tournament." dad said.
"If that's what it takes then I'll do it." Trunks said.
"Until then you can't be near my son." dad snarled and let go of Trunk's shirt.
Trunks frowned and walked upstairs, soon he came back down with his book bag.
He stopped when he was about to pass me.
"Don't worry Gohan, I'll win that tournament no matter what. I'll train all day all long until Monday." Trunks said and then he kissed my forehead.
Trunks walked out of the house and then he closed the door. When he did I started sobbing.
There's no way he'll be able to win the tournament. He'd have to beat the prelims and then the actual tournament. I ran up to my room and locked the door.
I got on my bed and pulled the covers over me.
There was still a stain of Trunk's cum on my blankets. I rubbed the stain and sighed.
"I'll miss you Trunks, I'll miss you."

Your All I Need (Gohan x Trunks Dragon Ball Z Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now