Chapter two

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A few months or so had passed since Oropher had found Amillyse in the woods. He'd always returned each morning, on his morning stroll through the forest, to make sure she was well cared for. Amillyse had grown quiet find of his company, always telling him stories while he'd sit against the tree and brush her hair of knots and loose twigs.
"Amillyse, you must be more careful when you're climbing trees... You've got a whole branch worth of twigs in your hair" Oropher laughed, Amillyse blushed "Sorry Ori, but I had to beat my highest climb!" Amillyse whining and squirming as he brushed. "Alright, alright... So what story will you tell me today?" He asked, looking over to the river side.
"I have a new one... About a frog and his houseboat" a warm laugh rumbled through Oropher's chest "Where did the frog get a boat?" He asked curiously "I made it for him" she said proudly, holding up a small boat made of bark and leaves. A smile tugged on the corner of Oropher's mouth as he listened to the young fae's story about the frog who was a bargeman.

Some days Oropher would spend the whole morning with Amillyse, she had been a light in his day, a much needed one since his wife had left to go to Valinor, leaving Oropher with their son Thranduil, who was now becoming a grown ellon who would rule one day. Being around Amillyse reminded him of being with his sister as a young ellon, she has also gone to Valinor. "Ami, promise me you'll be safe while I'm gone?" He spoke with worry as he did each time he'd leave her to return to his duties. "I promise Ori" she hugged the tall elf before he left.

As he walked away Amillyse remembered she'd forgotten to give him his birthday gift, it was late since he hadn't told her his birthday was coming up. Birthdays didn't mean much to elves who had lived as long as Oropher. Ami quickly rushed over to her woven twine bag and grabbed the necklace she had made and enchanted for him.

Running with her small feet leaving prints in the dirt, she reached his side before long and tugged on his robe. "Ori, I forgot your present" she smiled brightly, putting it in his hand. As his fingers closed around the pendent carved out of wood, he closed his eyes and he saw Amillyse standing before him. "So that you can see me while you're away and won't worry" she beamed a smile bright as the stars, and Oropher felt pride swell as he had seen how happy she was. "Thank you, sweetheart" his eyes held happiness that had been lost for so long. Amillyse could swear she saw the same kindness in his eyes that she saw in her father. Her eyes watered and she quickly turned to rush home. "Mellonamin, Tira ten' rashwe!, Tenna' tul're" (my friend, be careful, until tomorrow)

                                                                    ----end of flashback----
-5 years later-

Standing in the warm sun, Amillyse waited for Oropher to arrive this morning. The forest was quiet today, unusually quiet. This summer was sticky and warm, Amillyse contemplated taking a swim in the river later today.

Oropher was later than normal but when he arrived he was dressed in armour. Amillyse was confused "Ami, I'm sorry I'm late, I can't stay long, but I wanted to talk to you before I leave..." Amillyse froze when he said he'd be leaving.
"There will be war soon and my people will be called to battle, I must lead them with my son at my side... I want you to be safe, so you can stay here, or let me take you to Imladris... You will be safe there and I will not have to worry"
Amillyse looked at the forest she called her home, and back to the elf who had helped care for her. "I..."

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