Chapter Six

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Once Amillyse had finished breakfast she had been rushed to gather her things with Mithril before her departure. Amillyse tried to be slow and drag out her packing, glancing over at Mithril as he folded her dresses before putting them in a bag for her. He was doing his best to be efficient, but she could see his eyes were wet holding back tears, and Ami's were just the same. Mithril is her best friend, today is his birthday and she is leaving. Amillyse sighed and put away the last of her jewellery.

"I don't want to go Mith... I want to stay here. But... But I can't, you heard Elrond...promise me you'll write to me?" Amillyse spoke softly, holding back tears as she watched Mithril put away the last dress.
"Of course Ami, my sweet, you are my best friend. I will send Hazel with a letter each month, you can send one back with him" Amillyse smiled at the mention of Hazel, the owl Mithril trained with her help.
"I will miss you" her smile faded as she spoke, Mithril reached out and wrapped his arms around the Fae.
"And each day will pass agonisingly slow until I can see you again. I believe Greenwood is holding the Harvest Moon festival this year, Autumn is coming, Elrond will not miss the chance to attend, so I shall be there too" he hugged his friend tightly before he pulled away and grabbed her bags. "Come on, I'll walk you out" he said with a half smile. Amillyse nodded and wiped her eyes, sniffling slightly.

Once they reached the front gate, king Thranduil had already readied the horses. "What took so long, we have been waiting!" Thranduil's voice roared, Amillyse shrunk back and looked away from the King, his voice was terrifying. "Come on, no time for excuses, we are leaving now. You'll ride with me, I don't want you slowing us down." He groaned and mounted his horse, Amillyse turned to Mithril and gave him a small wave before walking over beside Thranduil's horse. Without notice he grabbed her and hoisted her behind him, sitting her in the saddle.

Thranduil's men took the two small bags Amillyse had packed and tied them to their horses and soon they were off, the horses running full speed. Amillyse had to hold tightly to Thranduil to stop herself from falling off. Thranduil smirked feeling her suddenly grip so tight and rode faster, they had to make up for lost time.

Just before the sun started to set, Thranduil told his men to stop, having reached a safe spot to camp for the night. Thranduil climbed off his horse and looked around, telling the men where to place his tent.

Amillyse climbed off the horse tiredly and sat on a nearby rock, looking out at the sunset, she wondered what Mithril would be doing in Rivendell right now, probably getting ready for dinner. Dinner. That made her stomach growl loudly. She hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Amillyse reached around her stomach and held it, a soft groan leaving her lips. She was starving.
Turning her attention back to the elven guards setting up Thranduil's tent, she saw that the King was nowhere to be seen. She frowned and got up to look for him, not wanting to talk to the guards.

Walking into the nearby bush land she saw a glitter of silver in the trees in the distance and figured it must be the Kings crown, she began to walk towards it, taking large steps over fallen logs and branches. A strong hand gripped her shoulder. "Where are you going?!" Amillyse winced in pain as her shoulder ached. Pulling away, she turned to see the King looking at her, his face angry.

"I was looking for you... I-I am hungry." She said softly, looking deep into his eyes, she saw something there she couldn't quiet tell what it was yet. Quickly looking away from her, he recomposed himself and cleared his throat. "We can eat once the tents are up. We don't want to lose light." He turned quickly on his heels, his hair flying off his shoulders and brushing her face, he walked back over to the camp.

Amillyse walked back over and started to groan, her stomach growling more. "I really must eat my lord" she complained, she was used to having three set meals a day. "Soon! If you complain like a child once more than you will have nothing" he yelled, Amillyse jumped at his sudden rage and sat down quietly "Yes sir" she spoke softly, playing with her fingernails.

Once everything was set up, the guards began to struggle with lighting a campfire, Amillyse was growing inpatient waiting for food, she growled and pointed her finger at the pit they created, creating a fire in its place. "Now can we eat?" She mumbled, her gaze wondering over to the King, who seemed shocked. "Uh.. Yes-" he spoke, deep in thought. "Finally!" Amillyse groaned and got up, grabbing some fruit and bread from the bag. "I don't see why I had to wait. We don't even have to cook it" Ami groaned and sat down. The King had snapped out of his thoughts.
"Had it not occurred to you that maybe the guards were just as hungry? Should I just force them to work while you eat happily? Are you too rude to wait until we can all have some? If so, tell me now and I shall keep it in mind!" Thranduil was growing tired of her whining.

Amillyse was shocked, she sat in silence as she thought about what he said. He was right, he wasn't doing it out of spite, but courtesy for the others. The thought made Amillyse feel sick about herself, she had been so rude and didn't bother to think.

The group ate and talked amongst themselves and Amillyse sat quietly eating her fruit. Once they were done they retired to their tent, Amillyse now realising there were only two tents.

"Am I sharing with them?" Ami spoke softly to the King who sat looking into his wine glass.
"Why? Would that be so bad?" He asked curiously, Ami went to rephrase what she had said before he cut her off "no, don't worry. I wouldn't punish them like that" he said with a smirk. Ami could almost act hurt if she wasn't so relieved.
Not that sharing with the guards would be bad, it was just a small tent and there were 3 of them already.

"You'll share my tent. That is unless you'd rather sleep out here?" He asked, drinking the last of his wine and standing up. "Oh I- I don't mind, as long as I can sleep comfortably" she mumbled. Thranduil groaned at her mumbling, he could hear her, but it was just so darn annoying. "You really should stop mumbling, I don't tolerate rudeness. It's going to be a cold night, so if you don't want to share, suit yourself" he said in a matter of fact tone and walked over to his tent, going inside.

Amillyse sighed and looked to see if there was a blanket with the cart. Their wasn't any left. Darn it. Ami groaned and walked over to Thranduil's tent and contemplated whether to knock, only then she realised... She can't... It's a tent.

Opening the curtain door slowly she peaked in to see King Thranduil going through his bag. "So you realised its too cold, I gather?" He said smugly, Ami rolled her eyes and made her way over to the blankets laid out on the ground, since they couldn't bring beds.
"Are you sleeping in that dress?" He asked curiously, an eyebrow raised. Ami was still dressed in her clothes from breakfast, she blushed and shook her head, walking over to her bag and grabbing her night slip.

Ami grabbed the stings of her dress and pulled them loose, sliding the dress off, letting it fall to the ground. Amillyse grew up with no concern for being nude, traditionally fae's lived mostly naked anyway, so her parents raised her with no insecurities about being naked.

Thranduil's eyes went wide, quickly turned away "Give me a second to turn away, what do you think I am! Some pervert" he growled. Amillyse rolled her eyes and slipped into her night dress. "You can look now, I'm dressed. And don't be so weird about it. It's just a body." Amillyse walked over and got under the blankets exhausted and ready to sleep.

Thranduil sighed "It's much more than 'just a body', a women's body is much more sexual than a mans." He said slipping his shirt off, leaving just his pants and getting under the blankets.
"What do you mean? I don't understand how they are any different. It's just a body, don't make it weird. Traditionally fae's spend most of their time naked" Amillyse didn't really feel up to talking much longer, she rolled over and closed her eyes. "Goodnight King Thranduil" she said with a yawn. "Good night." He said in a dull tone, he was still sat up reading something.

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