Chapter Three

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Amillyse looked at the forest she called her home and how it had darkened in the past few years. She knew very well that if the Greenwoods guard were to go to war, there was no way she could protect herself. The forest was becoming too dark for Amillyse to feel safe.

Oropher stood patiently waiting for Amillyse to come to her decision "I... I will go with you to Imladris" Amillyse spoke with a shaky voice "I'd hoped you would, grab anything you wish to take and come with me" Oropher's voice was serious, he had so much on his mind with this war coming closer that he didn't even find comfort in Amillyse's decision, even Imladris wasn't completely safe for a Fae, but it was the best he could do.

Oropher led Amillyse back to the palace ground and found his horse was already waiting, ready to ride. "I've packed all we shall need, checked the saddles and double checked the carts , Ada" A tall elf spoke, Amillyse looked past the horse's and saw a tall elf who resembled Oropher, only this elf had much longer hair, though his eyes were the same bright blue and his face was just as strongly featured. He voice was much deeper than Oropher, talking almost with a deep sadness as the two spoke to each other, Amillyse was too busy to catch what they were saying.

"Amillyse, you will ride with my son. I can not risk you being on my horse, if we run into trouble I will have my son ride ahead with you to Imladris, while I stay behind to fight." Oropher had lost the smile that Amillyse was usually able to grant him, and she hated to see him this way. A simple aura charm could smooth the atmosphere, so Amillyse cast it out in silence, hoping it would calm the King.

Amillyse looked around to find the Kings son, to introduce herself only to find him standing by a tall blonde elleth. Amillyse took in her features, she had beautiful skin, it glowed almost like a pearl. Her hair was long and tied back in a braid and her head held a small silver circlet, Amillyse gaze moved down to the elleth' stomach, it bulged as she was pregnant. Amillyse had never seen a beauty like her before, her eyes were a dark blue and pulled you in, her eyes wet with tears. Amillyse assumed this was the son's wife. She must be taking their leave hard, so Amillyse decided to leave them to say goodbyes.

Amillyse waited by the horses while everything was readied.
"Thank you for giving me a moment with my wife, I'm Thranduil" the strong voice from earlier spoke from behind Amillyse who was petting the horses. "That's fine, I know this must be a hard time for you both" Ami spoke without turning to him yet, "I'm Amillyse, you can call me Ami, my Prince" she smiled and turned to see him observing her obviously different hair, his gaze moving to her violet eyes. "You're a-" he began before he was interrupted "Thranduil, if you have everything in order let us make haste" Oropher's voice held deep worry, he had not been good at hiding how things made him anxious, but he still spoke strongly, like a leader ready to lead his people. "Yes, Ada" Thranduil put his foot up and mounted his horse "you will ride with me" Thranduil reached down and took the small Fae into his arms, putting her in front of him on the saddle. "you're safer in front of me. I can't protect you if you're behind me" he spoke, kicking the horses side to start walking.

The ride was going to be long and it had been quiet the whole way so far "You're right, I am what you think" Amillyse confirmed Thranduils thoughts. She could sense his curiosity as he thought the whole ride. "Where did you come from?" He asked curiously "I've lived in the forest of the Greenwood my whole life" Ami spoke softly, observing the world around her as the rode, it was all as she had expected "you're fathers been taking care of me the last few years. He says it not safe for a Fae to be out in the world alone... Something about hunters and bounties" she spoke freely with no worry in her voice, Ami had never doubted that Oropher would protect her if that time came, however she had no knowledge of Thranduil's intentions. He stayed quiet, seeming not one of too many words.

"Your wife is beautiful... She's having a baby?" Amillyse tried to make conversation "Yes she is, she's due in 4 moons" he seemed to lighten up as he thought of his wife "It's going to be a boy... I can tell" Amillyse smiled, looking over at Oropher, who seemed to get more tense the further we got from the Greenwood and the more exposed we were. Ami sent another charm his way, calming his thoughts as much as she could.

The ride was really dragging on, Amillyse was more bored than she's even been, and had taken to braiding the ends of the princes hair since it hung over her shoulders. "You comfortable there fairy?" He chuckled "Yeah, just making you a pretty prince" she giggled "You're mad" he laughed.

Soon Amillyse could hear the sounds of faint singing "We're close, Thranduil" Oropher spoke much calmer than before. "Can you hear singing?" Amillyse asked Thranduil "Yeah... That's the elves of Imladris. They always sing" he spoke with a bit of a laugh. He seemed amused by how little Amillyse knew of the kingdoms.

Once they rode in they were greeted by a very different looking elf "Lord Elrond, how long has it been since our last visit" Oropher had a huge smile on his face as his dismounted his horse, Thranduil doing the same, taking Amillyse off after. "Too long" The brown hair Ellon replied, Amillyse looked at him curiously "you must be Amillyse, welcome to Imladris dear Fae. I am lord Elrond" Amillyse blushed and smiled, letting the elf take her hand and kiss it "How sad our first meeting must be for such depressing reasoning. I knew your mother and father well, they spoke so fondly of you" Amillyse's eyes watered and she nodded softly. "I'll leave you in the care of my daughter Arwen." Ami turned to see the elleth beside him, long brown hair down to her waist, wearing a beautiful blue dress. Her eyes were kind and Amillyse felt like she could trust her. Arwen smiled softly "Come with me, I'll show you to a room you can stay in" Ami nodded and went to walk with Arwen before she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned to see Oropher
"Arwen, promise me you'll take care of her? I care for her like I care for my own son." Arwen smiled softly "Yes my lord, she will be in good hands" Ami smiled at his worry, walking over and hugging Oropher "Be careful" Ami mumbled into the hug before saying her goodbyes and following Arwen.

"You'll be safe here, you can use this room. If you need anything you can ask me, or Mithril, who will be taking care of you as well" Amillyse nodded and Arwen left her to have some time to herself.

(Hey guys, thanks for reading, vote, comment I love to hear feedback. Sorry these first few chapters will almost drag on a bit, I do understand that travel time is far far longer in canon, but I'm a lazy writer :') so. ooops , but I assure you that it will pick up soon.)

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