Chapter Four

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A month had passed since the army's had left for war, Amillyse was growing worried that things were not going in the elves favour.
Ami was sat in the warm bath waters of Imladris, closing her eyes, trying to see Oropher, trying to see if he was okay. But there was nothing. There had been nothing for a fews days now. This made her worried but she still could not believe the worst.

"Miss Amillyse, do you need anything?" Mithril(super poor name choice I know.. ideas welcome!) , an Ellon put in charge of seeing to Amillyse's care came into the bathroom, snapping Amillyse out of her thoughts. "Oh... I'm fine for the moment" she spoke softly, Mirthil came towards her "Miss, you never use any of the oils and soaps available, do you need help?" Amillyse blushed and hid face, too ashamed to admit she'd never used these elven beauty products before. "I've never used anything like them" her voice even quieter than normal, however to with elves having such good hearing, Mithril just smiled softly. "It's no trouble Miss, I'll help" he kindly offered, this was his job after all.

Picking up an oil leaf extract, he explained it's purpose and let it drink into the water. Passing her a bar of soap, he explained it was for her body and began to wash her hair. This was all very foreign to Amillyse, when she grew up in the forest, her father taught her how to make these products from the earth around her.

Once she was clean, Mithril helped her dress and did her hair. It was far too much fuss for Amillyse, she didn't care for it much, however it would grow on her having someone do her hair, that was her favourite thing.

The day passed as normal, Amillyse read under a tree, trying to use charms to see Oropher. She'd grown to love how he was a fatherly figure in her life.

At about noon there was a commotion at the entrance of Imladris, Amillyse didn't pay mind and kept to her business until she heard the voice of a familiar prince. "Elrond. I do not wish to bury him. You may if you wish." He sounded distraught. Amillyse ran to see what the commotion was about, seeing the prince with bloodshot eyes, no visible wounds though. Amillyse had never seen war, her life in the forest was innocent. But when she saw Prince Thranduil, she could see the effects it had on him. He was not the Prince she had seen before. She couldn't imagine the things he'd seen.

"Thranduil, he is your father! Take him to his people, bury him in his home" Elrond spoke with pain in his voice. Oropher was a great friend to him. Amillyse stood stunned. Seeing her friends body laid on the back of a cart. His body covered in blood. Tears streamed down her face, he couldn't be gone... He promised he'd be safe.

"What are you crying about! He was my father! You have nothing to be sad about, Fae!" Thranduil's voice boomed with anger, hiding his sadness, seeing the Fae before him crying. What reason did she have to cry.

"Thranduil!" Elrond stood tall, standing in front of Amillyse. "You're acting foolish in your grief!" Amillyse was torn seeing the prince she'd rode here with, a playful prince, turned cruel. Thranduil moved Elrond, his face cold. "Don't you dare come back to greenwood, I will not have a creature like you in my kingdom!"

Amillyse ran from him, running to the tree she'd read beneath every day since Oropher left, just like they would when he'd come to see her each morning before the war. Tears streaming down her face, she cried silently. Till the warm sun left her and the dark sky took over, she cried till she fell asleep.


"Ami, Ami, What story shall you read to me today?" Oropher's voice spoke softly, sitting beside her at the tree. Amillyse's eyes opened to see the King beside her, smiling.
"Ori! You're okay!" She screamed, pulling him into her arms. "No my dear... I'm sorry." Amillyse looked at him confused "please don't cry, if you need me, I'll be here"

Amillyse looked around her and she saw the forest she'd called home, Greenwood. This must be a dream.
"Please, care for my son" he spoke softly as Amillyse slowly woke up.
Care for his son? Pft. Who could care for a man so cruel.

(Hey, thanks for reading! Vote, comment. Id love to hear feedback. x )

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