Chapter Five

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Years passed gracefully as Amillyse chose to stay in Rivendell under the protection of Lord Elrond. Although it was arranged to keep her safe, Elrond was amazed by Ami's fascination with books and history, so he became her teacher, whenever he wasn't busy. But times were sweeter, war was over, and the world was at peace, so Elrond's duties were minimal. The years pass quickly this way, 5 years flew by in what seemed like minutes.


Amillyse woke to the usual sound of singing that Rivendell was always filled with. Hurrying, she got up and rushed to grab her robe. Mithril would be here any minute to collect her for breakfast. Quickly checking how she looked in the mirror, she cast a quick charm to lighten the dark circles beneath her eyes, she'd been up all night reading again.

The usual tap tap on the door made Amillyse break out in a huge smile. "Come in Mith, I am almost ready" she chimed sweetly and quickly rummaged through her bedside drawer to grab something, holding it hidden in her hands. Mithril came in with his usual smile "Miss Amillyse, you look er-" he paused and looked at her usual mess of hair and chuckled softly "come now sit down and we'll get those knots out before breakfast" moving to sit at the chair of her vanity, Amillyse glowed with excitement to show Mithril his gift. It was his birthday. Amillyse knew that elves rarely celebrated, taking more time to celebrate the milestones than the year, for example 1000, not 999.

Mithril softly pulled the brush through her hair and began his usual ritual of removing the twigs that always managed to get caught while she'd climbed the previous day. "You're rather cheerful for the morning. That's not usual. What are you up to" he smirked, brushing as she could barely keep still.
"I know you told me not to bother, you said it wasn't a big deal, but!" She was almost bursting. "I made you something for your birthday" she was so cheerful it was impossible for Mithril not to smile.

Amillyse held out her hand and put the gift in Mithril's hand "it's not everyday my best friend turns 1034" she giggled, he couldn't help but laugh with her.
Amillyse had made him a jewellery box, enchanted to play music when he opened it. "What is this?" He smiled, opening it, the box sung the song Amillyse would hum while he brushed her hair. For a moment Amillyse swore she could see water in his eyes. "Thank you Ami, it's beautiful" putting the gift in his pocket, he hugged the young Fae. "I'm afraid I'll never be able to return the favour" he said regretfully into the hug "it's a gift, you owe me nothing" she smiled.

Once Amillyse was presentable, Mithril walked his best friend to the front courtyard. Breakfast was to be outside today. Walking out smiling and laughing with Amillyse, Mithril quickly stopped when seeing Elrond sat with King Thranduil. That was what he forgot to tell Amillyse.

Amillyse looked at Mithril to his face was blank, his eyes looking to the table. Looking over, Amillyse saw the King she wished never to look at again. Thranduil. "Thank you Mithril, for your help you are welcomed to join our breakfast" Elrond spoke with his usual friendly tone "Amillyse, come sit with us, we have much to discuss" he continued.

Amillyse could feel the bile rise in her throat as Thranduil's eyes stared through her, looking over her body and up to her face again. "I do not wish to talk with him, my Lord" Amillyse spoke blankly, turning to walk away "Amillyse." Elrond's voice was firm and annoyed. A voice he'd never used to address Ami.

"Yes, my lord..." Amillyse turned back and walked over, taking her seat. Looking at Thranduil to see a smirk on his stupid face, this only made her more annoyed.
"Ami, you know how much I've enjoyed having you here, please don't forget that. However, you are needed in the Greenwood. King Thranduil's healer has gone to Valinor. I've taught you all I can, it's time you put the lessons to work" Elrond calmly explained. Looking between the Elrond and Thranduil, Amillyse held back bile and bit her tongue. There was no way he could make her do this, could he? "I... I won't. There are plenty of good healers here in Imladris."

"My dear... Please, as a favour to me. King Thranduil saved my life while in war, I owe him this favour. And he asks for you." Elrond said, a sadness in his voice. Thranduil smirk had not left his lips, keeping itself in the right hand corner.
Amillyse could not argue with Elrond, he had treated her so kindly, she owed him. "I will do this, but only for you, you've given me so much." Ami bit her lip and looked down, trying to contain her sadness. "Thank you, and I might I add... You have something the King needs... Oropher" Elrond spoke softly, though Thranduil could still hear of coarse, getting up, Elrond left the courtyard to attend to his duties.

Thranduil's face was almost frozen, his eyes distant as he heard his fathers name. Memories too painful to think of came to mind and he pushed them away. Looking at the Fae he was instantly angered. How could she have his father. Impossible! And why would she! She did not deserve it.

"Eat your fill, Mithril shall ready your things and we will leave when you are finished." He spoke coldly, standing up and walking away, leaving Amillyse alone.

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