Chapter Eight

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Slipping out of her dress and walking into the bathroom she ran some bath water, turning to face the mirror as she undid the braid in her hair. She hummed to herself and got lost in thought before she heard the water stop running.

Reaching down and grabbing her dress, covering her body, she turned to the sound. The silver glow of the kings hair caught her eye before he himself had. Biting her lip hard she gripped the dress tightly, clenching it against her body, hiding herself.

"You did not wait for the guard I was sending for you. He waited outside your door and missed his own dinner. Thankfully I am a giving person... he ate from my table with my son and I. I am told while he starved you were enjoying the company of your new friends..." he scowled. "Since you clearly lack the ability to listen, or insist on not needing assistance, find your own way around the palace from now on... I shall not waste others time because you are simply rude" he scolded.

After he had finished his rant he finally looked at her and noticed her dress gripped in her fingers, she blushed a dark red. "Oh.. I. Uh" he cleared his throat "forgive me, I didn't notice" his eyes were locked on her as he stumbled. He noticed the thin fabric of her slip was sheer enough to see her pale frame beneath it, the pale rose pink colour that peaked her breasts poked through. He dithered a bit and gathered his thoughts before quickly turning around giving her time to dress.

Amillyse blushed but grinned at this new side of the king. A side she had not seen before and didn't know if anyone else had either. A stumbling, dithering king, all because of her naked before him. She smirked and wondered just how much he could lose his composure if she were fully nude. She spent her whole childhood nude, so what was the difference?
Dropping the dress from her arms, she grinned and walked over to the bath, slipping in quietly. "Are you decent?" He mumbled, Amillyse giggled "Mhm... decent" the king turned and his mouth hung open at the sight before him. His eyes glued to her, wandering down her body as she glistened from the bath water. "Fae.. you said you were.." he couldn't finish his sentence before she giggled some more and beckoned for him to come closer. Raising an eyebrow he sauntered over, Amillyse grinned and kneeled before him, still in the tub. "You're mad at me about tonight? I'm sorry my king but I just couldn't wait.. I was so hungry" she lied through her teeth, keeping a sweet smile on her face. Thranduil did not know what to do, a beautiful young women was naked before him, smiling at him, looking deep in his eyes. Something he had not experienced for a long time. "I don't see why you couldn't just wait a little longer" he mumbled, still deep in thought. Amillyse reached out and took his hand, guiding it over to her lower stomach, slowly guiding his fingers further up. Thranduil stood mesmerised for a moment before pulling himself together, he snatched his hand and backed away from the Fae. "How dare you..." he hissed "how dare you use that stupid fae magic on me! I am king!" He roared, Amillyse frowned, what magic? She didn't even using a silly little hex, let along her magic... "As I said, I will not waste time on you. You will take care of yourself. Now clean yourself and put clothes on before you make me sick..." he growled, storming off out of the bathroom.

Amillyse sat back in the bath, baffled and hurt. Tears welled in her eyes. How could he be so cruel. Maybe the wine did get to her tonight, maybe she was being silly but there was no reason for him to be so cruel.

(Super short update. Sorry for the long pauses in between writing. But I have a few stories I am currently working on)

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