Chapter 3 Car Trouble

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After my dream last night I wasn't really able to go back to sleep. I'm pretty used to it because it happens pretty much every night  I don't go to bed drunk. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, I look in the mirror and stare at my reflection. My dark brown hair with red in it is down just below my breast, in their natural wave that I have. I have grey-blue eyes that have no life in them. I have full lips and a tiny nose that I believe are my best features. I strip off my clothes and turn around to see my back, it's covered with scars that no one has ever seen from the middle of my back all the way down to right below my butt cheeks. These scars are just a reminder of my past but they're are not as bad as the mental scars I carry everyday. Enough moping for me, I move to the shower after brushing my teeth and start cleaning away. 

After I finish I throw on a tight white t-shirt that says "tiny" across the chest in red lettering, some tight jeans and my black leather boots. I left my hair natural. wearing some mascara and Scarlett red lip stick to accent my lips; I'm not big on putting makeup on unless it's really necessary. When I'm ready for they day I grab my bag and head to my 1957 baby blue Chevy pickup truck that still runs decent. It's all I have since my dad past away when I was twelve.  

As I start it up, I head to this  bakery that I hope to work in, baking is a dream of mine, I could get a job if people didn't care so much about college degrees. After applying to a couple bars, I didn't feel up for much more, "we'll be in touch" rejection so I start to head home, I have my Led Zeppelin playing and the windows down feeling free for once.  This little town in Louisiana is supposed to be my final home, but if  dont find a job soon I may not be able to stay much longer. 

While heading to the grocery store my truck starts make some noises " BOOM!" the engine starts streaming up. "Damit!" 

I slam my hand on the steering wheel. Just my fucking luck. I pull to the side of the road and get out to inspect. As soon as I lift the hood I get attacked by steam. Stepping back and coughing from inhaling so much., I just stare at the engine. How am I going to fix this? I know nothing about trucks. "Shit! WHY? JUST WHY?." .. I kick the tire on the verge of tears and turn to lean against the truck hoping to think of something. About ten minutes of no cars passing and my mental ability to think of nothing, I decided to walk to the garage that looked like a mechanics place just about a block down they road.  

It's good I had a walk to mentally prepare myself , because I'm not good around people ever since I was a teen. As I walk up I notice that it is a heavy gated place but the main gate is open, there is a ton of motorcycles lined up on one side off the drive way. A huge house that's two stories and a 4 section garage. Five rather large looking men are in a group talking between the garage and outside the house. As I walk up I end up making eye contact with the one of the guys who is talking. He said something to the group, who all turn and look at me. A blonde haired, tattoo covered man yells out to me, " you lost sugar?"


"umm is this a mechanics or something like that?" I ask hesitantly.  

They all look at each other and start busting up laughing. The blonde turns to a man in the group and says something, after he finished the other guy turned and left. while walking away I read the back of his leather vest that had " PROSPECT" written across the back, heading into the house without a word. 

The blonde and the three other men all turned and walked toward me. I was very scared and I was afraid I was going to pass out any moment now. once they were in reaching distance I took one big step back. " whoa, darlin we aren't gonna hurt ya" spoke one of the men in the group. The blonde man stuck his hand out to me, " names JJ", I just stood and looked at his hand for a while and then decided to get it over with. I put my hand in his, " Charlie".  

they all grunted in approval. I retreated my hand quickly, when JJ spoke again, " this is Ace, Bo, Nole" as he pointed to the men around him.  

" nice to meet you" I spoke quietly and soft. they all look around to each other and smiled.  

"sooo something we can help you with sugar?" the bald, clean shaved man who looked about 30 who must have been Ace, since that's what his tattoo said across the side of his head. 

" oh, umm.... yeah. well my truck broke down and I don't have a phone and I passed this place and I didn't know what it was... but. I mean it looked like a mechanics." I stuttered out.  

Nole one of the men with longish black hair pulled back, and a lip piercing, spoke up first, "well sunshine you are in luck. because we are able to help you out. "  he said with a wnk. 

I stared blankly at him not sure how to react, "well thanks" was all I could think to say. 

After telling Bo, a clean cut young looking guy with a scar across his face,  where the truck was he took off to pick it up. I stayed standing in the same place with Nole, Ace,and JJ. JJ was the only one with the labl Vice President on his leather vest, since all of them were wearing one i figured it waas maybe a club thing. Standing with these men who were about 6 inches taller than my 5'5 height frightened me a lot. they must have thought I was going to run off or faint from their odd looks they are giving me. Nole was the first to speak, " so darlin I have never seen your beauty round this town, you new?" 

" oh, yeah I moved in yesterday".Making brief eye contact and looking away quickly. Nole just nodded, he looked to JJ, " she has no clue". As soon as the words left his mouth my eyes shot up, I must have looked terrified because JJ immediately spoke, " no worries sunshine were not gonna hurt you, just maybe inform you. See we kind of run this town were an MC. Called the Devil's Poison, and no one who knows that would just walk up our driveway. Seeing as your new and mean no harm your fine, but just keep that in mind for next time you get stuck somewhere and walk up a strangers driveway".

I was so afraid, " oh I'm so sorry, I don't t know. please forgive me. umm I can leave right now". I rushed out the words immediately.

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