Chapter 6 'What,Why?'

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Sitting in Calum's truck is what I would call very unnerving. Mainly because he came out of the club house really irritated and mad looking. I can feel the vibe in the truck.
" You don't own a cell?"
I turn my head to look at a very blank faced Calum.

"I uhhh. n-no." I really don't see why that matters to him. I just met the guy

"I see", is all he says as he pulls out on the road.

he asks me directions to my place, and I give them to him. while pulling near my crappy apartment I hear him mutter "Jesus".

I look over at his face, which is twisted in a very unhappy look.

" well thanks, I will come sometime and see how my truck is. Oh and with the money for it." I turn to rush out of the truck but before I can pull the handle a big hand grabs my arm.

" Sugar, one you are not paying for the truck. Second I will be seeing you to your room. Third I will come get you when its ready and what not.".

he lets me go as he turns and gets out. I follow his action and meet him in the front of the truck
"really this isn't necessary", but as I say this I can't stop the warm feeling I get from him actually wanting to walk me to my room.
" which room?" is all he replies

I blow out a breath and start my walk to the room. I take my keys out of my purse as we arrive, and unlock it to go in.

"um so thanks again" I push the door open and go to close it and find a foot blocking the door from closing. I look up just as Calum is pushing it open.

He gets in and skims over the not so decent living situation. "Jesus"

When he finishes his little roam his eyes come back to me.

"Pack a bag, your living with me"

"What, Why?"

" Babe there is not enough air in the world to describe why you, a beautiful woman should not be living here. So go pack, I ain't gonna try nothin... tonight"

I'm feeling all warm because he said I was beautiful, little does he know that's so far from the truth.

I must be crazy because I packed a bag. But in my defense I put up a fight. until I got scared by how angry he got. which made him madder because I was scared of him. So it all came down to me making him promise he wouldn't do anything.

I thought we were going back to his club house but we end up at this really nice house on some acreage. The whole ride here has been quite. I am so scared I am shivering.
I am alone in the middle of nowhere with a guy I barely know.

the freaky part is I feel a little safe with him. Like I trust him. Its odd.

He parks his truck in his three car garage. He doesn't immediately get out, he turns to me slowly.
" I would never hurt you, or do anything you wouldn't like. I promise you."

I look in his eyes before nodding my head and getting out of the truck. I hate when people are nice its uncomfortable. I'm not used to it. 

We meet by the door that leads into the house. He opens the door which leads into the mud room. Its painted a soft pale blue. With a washer and dryer on the right side of the wall, and a sink and table on the left. We walk up the steps that lead to a hug kitchen. It has a giant island and all the counter is black marble.

He turns his body slightly and I thought he was going to grab my hand but instead wraps his index finger around mine as we continue further into his house. We walk through the dining room that has a six seated cherry oak table. Then through the family room that has a squishy dark brown recliner, and two dark brown comfortable looking couches.  With a flat screen TV on the wall.
He walks me up the flight of stairs and to one of the five bedroom doors,
Its a grey colored room with charcoal bedding and curtains.

"this is one of my guest room. that door leads to a bathroom so you can shower. I am just down the hall last door on the left."

He looks like he wants to say more but instead be lifts my hand and kisses the palm of my hand. I feel all tingly but ignore the feeling while staring at his very nice retreating backside.

I go to the bathroom and take care of business.

The bed is so comfortable, which sucks because I dont want to sleep. Sleeping leads to dreaming and I don't want Calum to know. But as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

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