Chapter 23. My Woman

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This is more of a filler I guess, but it's a little short. Wednesday I plan to update again. I want to finish the story hopefully by Friday for you all Since I already started on the second book. 

Charlie's P.O.V

      It's been two weeks since I've been in the hospital, and Calum has stayed with me everyday. Also since being in the hospital my mother has also tried to visit everyday, but Calum fixes that every time he see's her coming. She's changed a lot since I last saw her, her hair is thin and greasy, her body is all worn out and frail, I'm not sure what color you could use to describe her teeth. I know I shouldn't be but I am still very afraid of what she can do to me, because I truly can't figure out why she is here besides somehting to do with Oliver.

   I feel a warm fingertips trail the side of my face, I turn and see Calum's warm green eyes. 

"Ready to be discharged and home baby?" 

With his fingers now cupping my face, I nod my head yes and smile at him.  The nurse comes in to take my IV out as well as the doctor to give me a couple prescriptions for my back and head. About half and hour later were on the road back to his house. 

"Fuck no" I hear Calum mutter as we turn into his driveway and see my mom parked in front of his house leaning against her beat up car. He immediatly stops his truck, "Stay here" He says as he angles out of his truck. I watch him walk straight into my mom's face and watch a lot of tense postures and hand movements. 

The problem is this is My mom, which means My problem not Calum's. So I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the truck and head over to where their standing, 

"..Get the fuck off my land lady or so help me!" Calum yells as I approach. 

"Babe, chill" I say softly, he turns immediatly to make eye contact with me

"I said stay in the truck Charlie" He says through gritted teeth. 

"No, this is my mother so I will handle it But I will compromise and say you can be with me the whole conversation." I meet his gaze to show I'm not backing down. 

He sighs with defeat and steps back so he can pull me to his side. "What do you want mom?" I ask as nicely as I can. 

Her face is scrunched up into a scowl, "Well little bitch-" Calum growls at her comment which causes her to pause. 

"Since you've been gone, the banks have been trying to find you to give you the money your fucking father left for you. I tried to accept it for you, but you would need to sign it to me or be dead. Since Oliver never got you delivered to the right place! I have to come here and tell you that you need to sign this over to me." She shoves some papers into my face which causes me to take a step back, but Calum catches me and hits the papers out of her hands. Calum pulls me behind him before he says, "You want Charlie to give you the money her father left for her? What the fuck is wrong with you, you heartless scrawny bitch. This may be her fight, but she is my woman and in no way will you disrespect her or steal from her. So I will tell you one more time, move off my property or I will have no problem doing it myself." 

She looks between Calum and I before turning to her car, "This isn't over." With those departing words she drives away leaving the papers all over the ground. Calum turns to me so were facing one another, "Sorry, but your mom is a bigger cunt than I imagined her to be." 

I give him a small grin, but it quickly fades as I realize she is going to keep bothering me until she gets what she wants. "Why do you think she wants the money so bad?" I ask Calum. 

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