Chapter 24. Ends Here

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Calum's P.O.V.

     I feel the caress of Charlie's lips across my chest, hoping she doesn't know I'm awake I keep my eyes closed. I feel her hand start sliding down my side about to reach for my goods, but I move quickly and grab her wrist while rolling us so that i'm on top with her hands pinned above her head. 

"What do you think your doing gorgeous?" I ask smirking at her. 

"I was trying to wake you up, but it seems I don't need to anymore." She says trying to have a serious face, but the warmth in her eyes gives her away. 

"Baby, you can still wake someone else up" I say amusingly while glancing down at my growing hard on.  She tips her hips up, and starts slowly rubbing her hips against me. I close my eyes and clench my teeth, from the pleasure she's giving from just a little rubbing.  I open my eyes and lean down and take her mouth with mine, tasting that sweetness. After grinding against each other for far to long, I take her panties off and open a condom,  and slide into her hot little pussy. I hold nothing back and start pounding deep, the noises she's making let me know she's close so I roll over.

"Ride me till you find it baby, once you find it your gonna ride me till you take me there. Got it?"  

She nods her head, already riding my dick hard. With both of my hands on her hips and my hips thrusting along with hers, I take my hand and roll her clit between my thumb and finger. She fist her hands in my hair and pulls my mouth to hers as she climaxes and moans into my mouth.She breaks away but keeps her hands tight in my hair as she continues to ride me out.  With her tight pussy clenching tight around my dick, I thrust one more time before I come, I sit up and take her mouth this time as her hips slow to a gentle rocking. 

"Love you baby" I whisper against her lips

She opens her eyes and looks at me for a couple minutes, studying my face before saying, "I love you too Calum." 

I keep her connected to me as I slide out of bed and carry her to the bathroom, where I set her on the basin and separate our connection so I can get rid of the condom.  I turn the shower on and go back to pick her up. After our shower we head downstairs where I make oatmeal and coffee for us. 

"Today Angel I want you to stay here or come to the club house while I deal with some business, but just so you know if you stay here you will have supervision and you may not leave this house since the security system will be activated. So which do you want?"

"ummm....I would like to hang at the club house." She says unsure

"Whats up baby? You can stay here if you want." 

"No, no, nothing's wrong. It's just that everyone there knows what happened to me, so I'm a little self conscious and embarrassed about it. "

I set my oatmeal down on the counter and walk to where she's sitting on the counter so I can stand between her legs. I grab her bowl to set aside, and wrap my arms around her little body. "Baby all my  brothers know what happened to you. Let me be the first to tell you that any of them will and would give you nothing but respect for what you have been through. Were a family, and when family is hurt or being hurt, we don't take kindly to that. They were about as angry as I was when everything was going down. So don't worry, plus Kels is dying to see you so it might be good to get her off my back bout seeing you." 

She giggles lightly and gives me a little grin before leaning up to give me a kiss, "Ok baby." 

God I love this woman. 


I dropped Charlie off at the club house, making sure to leave her in good hands as JJ and I head out to the cheap Motel her mom's staying at. 

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