Chapter 19 Die

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Ok Lovely people who read this story. I changed the cover, all thanks to @RevyRogue. Tell me what you think, and how you like the story so far. Thank you all for the reads/votes/comment!

PAST *15 Years Old*

Oliver's going to be mad at me,  I new it deep down that he was going to be furious with me. I had unplugged all the phones, stole the batteries out of any cell phone in the house. In my mind I was doing it so mom would be done with drugs and alcohol, but really it was for me. My mom may be sober and angry, but I'm just hoping she sees what he does to me. Hoping that she will step in and tell him to get out, because he's coming. 

I know it. 

Mom would have called him already to check in. Were both sitting in the living room watching TV, but I know she's mad at me. I honestly don't care because it's for her own good, I made sure to lock all the doors and windows so no one can get in. 

"Mom, I promise I'm doing this for you. You need help, dad would't want this for you or me." She turns her head to look at me. Her skin is so pale, her brown hair is in knots, and her eyes are red rimmed from taking too many drugs. 

"What does a little whore like you know what my husband would want? If it wasn't for you being ungrateful he would be here right now wouldn't he? I would love to know how he would react to know that your somebody's little bitch. " She throws her head back and laughs an evil laugh

Tears well up in my eyes, "I don't know how many times I can apologize for something I didn't do, but mom I'm sorry dad is dead for trying to come home early. I'm sorry." I struggle to say


"CHARLIE! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR! NOW!" Oliver screams from the other side of the door

Panic wells up in me, I look to my mom who's smiling bright now, "Oliver dear, she's been on a tare today. Locked the doors, took the phones, and the batteries to our cells. Just bust a door or a window, because she threatened to tackle me if I get the door." she yells out towards the door. 

I watch Oliver's shadow walk past the window in the front and go towards the back gate, I turn from the couch and watch the back door. Until I hear glass breaking from down the hall, I stand up and walk backwards till my back hits it, I slide down and bring my knees to my chest. Oliver walks into the living room with a calm mask on, but he is anything but calm. The tension from his big bulky body is rolling off his stiff figure. His dark eyes are if possible darker, his black hair looks like he's been running his fingers through it all day. Today must have been a business day since he's wearing a black tight v-neck, black slacks, classy loafers, and his gold watch. I look down to the ground as he comes further into the room. 

"Lauren your shits in the car, go get it." I hear the tension even as he speaks to my mom. Still not looking up I hear the front door open and close. 

"Look at me" Oliver hisses at me, I quickly look and comply to his demand. "What have I told you about disobeying me? I told you that I would punish you, and the punishment would be severe. I don't lie Baby Doll, especially on a serious matter like this. " He walks forward so he's standing in front of me and squats down. Rubbing the back of his finger up and down my cheek, and it takes everything for me not to flinch away. "So Baby Doll as much as it pains me to do this, mainly because I wont be able to get my," he leans in and licks my ear and says huskily, "fill of that sweet, tight cunt. What I have to do will make you see that I am not joking nor will I hesitate to take action." He stands up just as my mom comes back in with a black duffel bag. "Lauren stay in you room for the rest of the evening, and you wont be seeing Charlie for a few days. Do I make myself clear?" He asks while raising a eyebrow, "No problem Ollie, see yea sweets!" She says while she takes the bag to her room and closes the door. 

I look up at Oliver, knowing all the color is gone from my face, and tears are burning my eyes. I look towards the front door wondering if I could run away fast enough. I start to slowly get up hoping I will have time to run, but Oliver's hand pushes me down hard so I hit the wall with a thud before the ground. "Don't even fucking think about it, or I will make sure to break both of your legs. I wont give a damn if they're fixed or not, I would still fuck you anyway I want." 

I tried hard to hold them back but the tears come, and I let out a sob. Oliver starts chuckling, "Yeah Baby Doll there's gonna be a lot of crying today." 

Torture. That's the only way to describe what happened. 

He kicked me over,and over, and over, and over, and over again. My ribs hurt, my lungs burned, and all I could taste was blood. 

He punched me. Everywhere, in my face, stomach, crotch, legs, side, back. Everything hurt so badly. After he was done punching me, he took off his belt.

I screamed when the first hit landed on my back, after ten slaps I tried to crawl away but he grabbed my ankle and dragged me back. I screamed, and cried until I blacked out. 

I woke up in a dark confined place, I couldn't really stretch my legs out, or move to a different position. 

All I could hear was my breathing. 


Charlie's P.O.V*

The zip ties were cutting into my skin, and it was getting hard to breath with the gag in my mouth. I'm not sure how many days i've been stuck in this dark room, but all I know is I'm a hundered percent scared to death. My face is swollen from Oliver punching me repeatedly, but I'm glad he hasn't forced himself upon me yet.  

The door opens and a freshly showered and shaved Oliver strolls in, "Hey Baby Doll, I here your little boy toy is on a rampage trying to find you. Luckily I was smart enough not to leave a trail, and were leaving soon so it we won't be caught. All this didn't have to happen if you just behaved Charlie, but I always new you like to be punished. You have 4 years of punishment coming to you, and Calum Bar is no more for you. You are forbidden to see, speak of, or even imagine. Understand?"

I nod my head while staring down at my hands, I know there's no hope for me. I'm just hoping that I will die soon, and be able to be with my dad. I don't care anymore. 

"Now Baby Doll I'm going to cut your ties and take the gag off, and your gonna be a good girl." He walks over to me and take a knife out of his pocket to cut the ties. Then slowly peals off the gag, and leans forward to give me a peck on the lips. "I missed you so much Charlie, everyday was torture without you.

I disgust myself, because I know what he wants and I'm going to give it to him, "I missed you too Oliver." I say hoping to get rid of the bitter taste that my mouth has from saying those words. I try not to cry, and I can't help but still feel hopeful that Calum will come for me. 

Oliver picks me up and carries me to a room across the hall and sets me down on the bed, and crawls into it with me. I close my eyes as he places kisses across my chest, my neck, and my lips. 

"I'm gonna show you how much I missed you Charlie" Oliver whispers into my ear. 

I close my eyes through it all, and imagine myself in a perfect world. Calum meeting my dad and them talking about my truck together. Going to the beach with Calum with our kids, or hanging out with Kelsey and JJ. 

All I have are make believe memories to get me through the rest of my miserable life. 


I wake up in bed with Oliver's arm around my waist and his heaving breathing in my ear, I move to get up and the arm clamps down. "Where do you think your going?" 

I turn my head slightly so he can hear my whisper, "to the bathroom." The arm loosens enough for me to sit up, "Fine but don't be gone to long, and don't try anything." 

I get up and walk into the bathroom, looking in the mirror I see my swelling has gone down, and my hair is a complete mess. I use the facilities and wash my hands, I look around and notice the razor in the shower. Putting my ear to the door listening to see if Oliver is moving around but i hear nothing, I walk over to the razor and see that its razors have been removed. I hear someone clear their throat from behind me, and I slowly turn to see and angry Oliver.

"Looking for something Baby Doll?"

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