Chapter 5 embarrassed

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I woke up in a dark room that smelt like the woods, but also just a hint of something I couldn't describe. I laid there staring at the ceiling for about a couple minutes, trying to calm down and remember where I was. 

"Crap" I mutter remembering I had fainted.  

I get up and head to the door, once I open it light floods into the room, it's one big hall way. they are about five doors on each side, I hear a couple deep voices as I continue down the hall way. The door to my left suddenly opens and a woman steps out,

She has a tight black shirt that shows way to much cleavage, short jean skirt with black stripper heals. A mass of black and blonde curls, to much eyeliner and too bright of lipstick.  

She is giving me the death glare as we just stand there and stare at each other.

I break the silence " umm hey, do you know where a guy named JJ is?" 

She smirks at my question before yelling " Boys your ladies up"' but before they say anything she grabs my arm " stay away from Calum, he is mine" she practically growls at me.

I just stare at her wondering why she assumes I would be with Calum since I just met him.

She heads to the opening that leads to a bar and sitting area, I pause before following and see Ace, Bo, JJ, Nole, Calum, and a couple more new faces.  

Everyone looks at me as we walk in and smile. Calum gets up and walks over first, " you ok babe, you gave us a scare just passing out. what was that?" his brow is furrowed like he really is concerned. A weird feeling starts in my chest at his concern, but goes quickly as I remember how embarrassing it would be to explain why I fainted. My cheeks heat up and I look down and mutter " sorry...."  

Calum comes even closer and bend his knees so he is eye level with me and grabs both of my biceps " babe, you have no reason to apologize. Shit happens were all just glad JJ caught you before hit the ground." 

" right" is all I say while trying to look any where else besides his eyes. 

" umm is my truck fixed so I can leave?" I am so embarrassed I just want to leave and never see these men again.

Bo comes up and breaks the worst new of my life, " sorry sugar, but it is gonna take about a week to get the part we need and then a couple days to install it. "

This can't be happening. if I don't have my truck then I have no escape route.

Calum P.O.V 

This sexy Angel in front of me has the most panic look on her face,and all I want to do is take it away. When I first looked into those beautiful eyes there was sadness and pain in them. When she fainted I had no clue what happen, it was like me calling her baby doll sent her into panic.

" baby calm down, what's wrong?" I whisper to her while looking her in the eyes.

She stares at me a moment while trying to get her breathing under control 

"sorry" and mutters while breaking eye contact.

That just pisses me off, if she apologizes one more time.....

She starts breathing fast again and starts by mumbling " I have to leave, he could find me. I need to leave, I need my truck. this can't be happening"

I am instantly bolted into action, grabbing her arms again I ask " who baby? who is after you?"

She looks up shocked noticing she had said it out loud, " can you take me home please?" she whispers to me

I jerk my head in a nod, " go wait by the red GMC out front"  

she nods and walks out the door, I look to JJ and ask, " you know what that was about"

He looks at me, "that girl, man she has probably been through shit. when I caught her out there.. " he looks down thinking before he says his next words. "She.... man that girl has scars all over her back. And I'm just assuming that but what I felt it just had to be. Then when you called that name she freaked, like a flashback or something. Brother just so you know, she ain't got a phone at home or cell"

I just stand there because my anger is so strong. I don't know anything about this woman but man she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. With her tiny figure with good size chest and a Damn good ass. If I was honest though it was those full beautiful lips that just invite me to taste them.

" Well I will be back, most likely with her. need to get some clothes"  

They all agree with me, but as soon as I turn to go Cass grabs my arm  

so I turn to look at her forgetting she stood there the whole time, " Calum baby let her be, she is a nobody. probably some slut. stay here with me, I can make you happy like last night" her hand slides up my chest to go around my neck  

I grab her arm and push her away, " Cass I will not tell you one more time, Fuck Off. the only reason your around is because you like to suck my brothers dicks. Your pussy will never feel my cock. talk about Charlie like that and we have problems. never disrespect me ever again."

leaving like that I storm off to the truck and jump in the driver's seat next to Charlie. Knowing full well this woman is going home with me tonight.

*opinions please*

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