Chapter 20 Traitors

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Calum's P.O.V****

I've been pacing back and forth in my living room for about two hours now. JJ has reassured me that he's got everything under control and that he's bringing the guys that he learned went against us and were paid off by Oliver.  I have this feeling in my gut, that's burning to be let out, when I see those men their going to wish that they never became traitors. 

I stop mid pace when I hear a car pulling down my driveway, I walk to the screen door and see the clubs black van and two other trucks following. JJ steps out of the driver seat without breaking eye contact. I open the screen and watch from my porch as about seven of my guys circle around the back of the van. I walk slowly towards the doors, wanting to know who would be pussy enough to be paid to give a women, my women to an abusive man. 

I reach the back doors, and look to the side to see JJ's stone cold face give me a slight nod, I open the doors and see Teddy, Lutch, and Kal all chained to their seats. I look at them with disbelief, because these were my brothers and they betrayed me. I step back and let Bo and Ace get into the van so they can unchain the three of them. Once unchained Ace and Bo push all three out of the van onto their  knees. I look down upon them, "You brothers really betrayed me?" I ask through clinched teeth. 

Teddy looks up at me, and has the nerve to look fucking sorry. "Calum, I promise you if I didn't need the money then I would have never done that. But brother I needed it, I'm sorry." I looks back down to the ground. When Lutch starts laughing I cut my eyes to him and see he has amusement written all over his face. 'Wanna know something brother," he spits out, "I've been waiting for my moment to fuck you over for a while. I would have done this free, but even I know I'm gonna die right now so I'll let you in on a little secret. Your never getting Charlie back because by the time Oliver is done with her. She will probably have already tried to commit suicide. Unless she likes it for-" I cut him off my punching him. 

I just kept punching him over and over again, until JJ tears me off of him. i'm breathing heavily like I just got back from running, but all I see is red. I'm ready to take blood, I shake JJ off me and turn to face my club, "Anyone object to them meeting the Devil?" They all shake their heads no, I turn back around and pull out my gun and shoot Teddy and Kal in the head leaving Lutch alive. I spit in his face and lean down, "I'll let you in on a little secret Lutch, until you show some remorse for what you did you get to stay in the chambers until you die." His eyes widening with horror, which is good because I'm glad he knows he wont be able to get a quick death.  

The chambers are rooms the MC built when it first started. Their underground rooms that no one but the club knows about them. Its where you can make people disappear, torture, or for Lutch's case keep alive. It's not a nice place because people go crazy down there, and there's no way to kill yourself unless you starve yourself. 

I tuck my gun away and turn to JJ, "Put him in the chambers, and get on the lead to see if we can find Charlie as fast as possible." 

JJ hesitated before he said, " Look Calum I just want you to understand there's a good chance she could be dead, or that we might not find her with this lead. Just don't get your hopes up brother, I don't want to see you break. Kelsey and I are always here for you no matter what."

I nodded my head, knowing the feeling in my gut wasn't a good one. If Charlie wasn't alive when we found her then I new I would be heart broken, but I can't think like that. 

I head to my red truck so I can follow up with Nole on this so called 'lead' from the information Teddy gave them before he was brought here. It takes me about 15 minutes to get to the club and I go straight the bar and get a shot of Jim Beam before heading to the garage to chat with Nole. 

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