Chapter 10 The Note

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Charlie's POV

So that tonight I'm going to tell Calum my story. After the beautiful moment we shared in the kitchen, I new that I needed to do it. For him and for me, I need someone in my life and I'm tired of running. After we drank coffee together and had some breakfast that I made, Calum said he had business to attend with his Club. So I asked him to drop me off at my apartment so I could pick a few things up. 

"Baby I'm gonna come back and pick you up at 6, so be dressed and ready." Calum leaned in and kissed jaw and gave my hand a squeeze. I got out and went straight to my apartment, even though there wasn't much it still made me feel better knowing I had some place as a back up. After getting in the apartment with my spare key, I realized i left my purse in Calum's truck, luckily i'm seeing him later. I headed for my bedroom so I could get my only picture of my dad, when everything  froze. 

All over the bed were pictures. It looked like there were a million of them. From when I was 13 till I was 20. He found me. He found my apartment. There was a note in the middle of the bed. 

"You know how I like a good chase Baby Doll" -Oliver

I couldn't see anymore the tears were clouding my vision. I backed up until I hit the wall and slid down and drew my knees to my chest. I cant believe he found me so quickly, How is it possible? This is what he does when he finds me, He starts with showing all the copies of the pictures he has kept of me over the years. When he used to beat me, while raping me, or when I go unconscious he always photographed it because he got off on it. I don't know where to go from her, then I came to the conclusion he could still be in my apartment or somewhere close. I stood up so fast and ran for the door, I sprinted down the steps to the parking lot. There was no one, no cars, nothing to take me somewhere far away. So I did the only thing I could think of

I ran.

Wearing jeans, a dark blue shirt, and some dark brown leather boots I sprinted as fast as I could. The only place I knew was the club house, which was a good ten miles away, but my adrenaline was pumping with fear. 

I couldn't let him get me again, I wouldn't go back, the punishment for running this long would kill me.  I couldn't. While I ran I was crying which made it harder to breathe, I don't remember how long or if I even took a breath but once I saw the club house in my line of vision I ran even faster.  I was up the drive way and all I could see was one guy texting something on a phone, and PROSPECT across his leather vest on the back.  I quickly ran to him, "d-d-d-o--o-o- y--o-u -kn-n-ow...... w-heere .. Ca-l-u-m issss?" I panted to him

The guy had a hand on my arm that I quickly ripped off, he gave me a questioning look with a furrowed brow. "Just hold up lady", he was young maybe 19, he had blond hair and brown eyes, nothing really unique except he had a lot of rings on his fingers. He was scrolling through his phone when the girl from last night pulled up in a Honda Civic. She got out of the car and looked at me with distaste, "O, whats this bitch want?" The guy didn't even look at her before he answered

"Why do you care Cass?" he clicked a few buttons before putting the phone to his ear and looking over to her. "That bitch was here last night, Calum took her out like the trash she is" She pretty much yelled her face getting red with anger. The guy I guess named 'O' just shook his head and chuckled, "Really Cass is that what Calum did? Because if he was gettin rid of trash he would have takin you out a long time ago. I mean damn if cocks had wings you'd be a damn airport." She looked even angrier now, and stormed off to the club house.

"Yeah, Prez there's a girl here who looks like she is about to pass out from running and she's crying .... Yeah looks like the girl your describe'n, she says she's lookin for ya. " He nods his head while looking at me, "Right, Darlin is this an emergency or is this because you left your purse in his truck? Cause I can get you that"  I look at him and nod, then shake my head. then nod. I don't know what to do, should I tell him. Maybe its best I don't. What will happen to me? "Right, so she can't really tell me cause she aint really breathing properly and she just shook and nodded her head. So I aint got one clue. Right. Yeah. Will do." He hung up his phone ad took my hand and lead me to a chair and forced me to sit, then he squatted down in front of me. "Listen pretty lady, BREATHE. Ok tell O whats going on, mmm. Prez is coming but its gonna take a little bit." He picked up both of my hands and rub his thumbs in soft little circles on my hands, I started to calm down my breathing and sniffed a couple times, but I still had the hiccup from crying so hard. 

"I- I  nn-e-ed to t-ell -c-c-al-luum wh-a-ats h-happening. I-'m -n-not s-s-af-fe." 

His eyes flashed and his eyebrows furrowed, "Darlin, whats happening?" I just shook my head and started to cry again. He let go of my hands and brought me to him so I was sitting on the ground in his lap while he rocked me. My crying was silent but body wrenching cries. I vaguely heard the 15 motorcycles pulling up, and I vaguely remember being switched to a whole new set of arms

Warm Arms

Someone was kissing my head and whispering in my ear, "shh baby calm down, I'm here nothing is going to happen. What's wrong baby?"  "Prez she said somethings happening and that she aint safe, and then she started to just cry. That's all I got from her" 

"Thanks O" I felt my self lifted up and then soon after put down on a table, Calum went between my legs and held my face while wiping the wetness away with his thumbs. "Alright baby calm down your ok, what happened? Did you have a flashback of something?" God this man was too nice, and beautiful. I just shook my head in his hands. "Then what baby, I promise nothing changes." I looked down and then looked back up to his flawless face. He looked concerned with his brow furrowed and eyes that looked sincere. So as quietly as I possibly could I said "he's here" 

"Who?" he whispered back to me while scooting closer to me, if that was even possible. Then for the first time in 4 years I said his name, "Oliver". "Ok baby, now who is this Oliver? You know him is he an ex, or a relative, What?". I looked anywhere but him and whispered, "I don't know what to call him considering he raped and beat me for 8 years, because my mom used me to get herself drugs and alcohol from him." 

Everything was silent, what I didn't know was that there were like 15 other bikers in the room. Then I heard a big bang sound and looked over to see JJ had punched a hole in the wall. I started to panic, I didn't know everyone was here. I went crazy trying to wiggle out of Calum's hold on me and kicking until he wrapped me up and pinned me so i coudn't hurt him or get away. "Hey, look at me, your fine" he said gently, " Calm down, now Beautiful how do you know this guy is here? I know it may be painful but you have to talk to me about it so I know whats going on."  I still couldn't look in his eyes, I was so embarrassed and sad. So fucking sad. 

While looking at the ground I spoke in a hollow voice, "He left The Note"

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