Chapter 16 'It's gonna Happen'

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I woke up feeling so warm and comfortable, but I also felt very alone. I opened my eyes and realized  I was asleep in Calum's bed, and no Calum. The sun was pouring into the room, the walls were a darkish shade of brown, with red bed sheets. I pulled myself out of bed and went and did my restroom needs including taking a shower. I went into the old guest room I was staying in and got dressed in a dark green sundress; it had an empire waist, ended two inches above the knee, had two finger width straps, and a open back until right about where my bra strap rested. I will never be able to have something that reveals my entire back, it disgust me to even have to look at something like that. I wouldn't be able to handle other people seeing it.  I slipped on some leather sandals, then I went back to the bathroom to put some powder on and a swipe of mascara. I walked down stairs and heard Calum on his phone, "Yeah, make the deal with them and let them know I expect their pay by Friday or were gonna have problems. "

I rounded the stair case and saw him leaning against the counter with his legs crossed and head down.   His hair was tousled and he had on dark blue jeans, a black shirt that looked great on his shoulders, and he was only wearing a pair of socks on his feet. As I descended toward the kitchen he looked up and smiled at me, while talking back into the phone. "Yeah, JJ I gotta go cause Charlie's up", Without waiting for a reply he shut his phone and threw it onto the counter. I walked towards him, when I was a foot away he leaned forward and slid a arm around my waist and slammed my body against his. He lifted a hand to my damp hair while his head came towards mine, then he reached his destination and kissed me. Open mouth with a lot of tongue action, it turned me on big time. I moaned into his mouth, and brought my hands up into his hair and pulled slightly. Calum picked me up and turned so I was now sitting on the counter and he was between me legs. His hands slid up my thighs, lighting sparks where they slid and causing a tingle in my happy place. He broke from the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine as we tried to catch our breath, I whispered breathlessly, "Morning". 

Calum leaned back and smiled at me again, "Morning Baby".

"Did I interrupt your phone call?", "No Beautiful, just doin some club business. You want some breakfast?"

"No, I'm not a breakfast person really. If I could have coffee that would sweet." Calum gives me a peck on the lips and goes straight to the coffee pot to make me a cup. I stay seated on the counter but fix my dress so nothing is flashing. Calum comes back over between my legs and gives me my coffee. 

"So sweetness, were gonna leave here in ten. Kelsey is going to be at the Club when we get there so you can go shopping. Also I have to go handle something but you can call me if you need anything.", He leans over and grabs a bag that was on the counter and pulls out a phone. "This is yours, I put my number, JJ's, Kelsey's, and the Club's base line in here. Anything you need, all you need to do is call. Don't think your bothering me or anything, cause I mean it. Anything at all. Call me. "

I stare shocked at the phone, wondering how its possible that I ever met this man. I can't except it, it's too much. I already have taken to much, and he wants me to spend money that isn't mine. "I can't except this it's to mu-" Calums cuts me off me by putting a finger in front of my mouth. 

"No it's not, it ain't safe not having a phone. I won't allow you to be that unsafe, so please for my peace of mind except this. I ain't gonna throw it in your face or shit like that. It's just a phone."

I nodded my head reluctantly and lean forward and kiss him softly, "Thank you, for everything" I whisper against his mouth.  He cups my face with his big warm hands, "Never have to thank me for anything Darling, I like doing things for you." He kisses me, which leads to making out again until his phone starts ringing again and we have to break apart. "Finish you coffee, then we'll go" 

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