Chapter 21 Revenge

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One hour before

Calum's P.O.V

I've been sitting here in the club house discussing places other then the house we found that Charlie could be at. I'm truly debating on going to Texas to try to find her, but that a big fucking state to search for one person. The Prospects have only called once saying the saw a man leave and come back with fast food, but only enough food for one person. The feeling in my gut says that's where she is but, I need a plan before I barge into a place that might be a set up. My mind is all over the place, I want to find Charlie so badly, but I also want to go take my anger out on Lutch in the chambers. 

"You listening Calum?" I look up at JJ whose been talking about something for the past ten minutes. 

"No, not really." I reply with a shrug. I feel my phone start vibrating in my pocket and I quickly take it out to answer it. "Yo"

"PREZ! She's HERE!! What do we do! She was trying to run out the front door! He just pulled her back! Fuck! FUCK! What do you WANT!!"

I snap my fingers and twirl my hand so everyone knows to round up, because were getting the fuck out of here. I start walking towards my truck, "Were gonna be there in 10" I say before I flip my phone shut. 

Even if its a 30 min drive, I will be there in ten minutes. 

My driving is all over the place, as I arrive at the house and I pull up into the front yard. I jump out of the truck and take my gun out of the back of my jeans and run to the front door. I shake the handle but it's locked, I step back and kick the door open and run inside. My mind is so set on Charlie that I havn't noticed all my brothers that have my back and are running in with me. The blood is roaring loud in my ears, to the point I don't think I can hear anything. I walk fast but quietly down the hallway, I see light only coming from one room, I creep against the wall. I peek around and see Oliver hitting Charlie with a belt, as she's on her knees tied to the bed. 


 I turn to JJ who's right behind me and I take the bat he's holding and walk into the room. Just as Oliver is about to go for another swing I hit his hand with the bat. Hopefully I broke the little bitches hand. He screams out in pain, which is music to my ears. As he turns he see's me and all my men, I take pleasure in the fact his face pales a bit. I look over my shoulder and nod to them, knowing Oliver gets to go to the chambers. I go to Charlie and notice she's barely conscious, I slide onto my knees and wrap her up into my arms even though she's covered in blood. I take my knife out of my pocket and cut the ties on her hands. Slowly standing up so I don't hurt her, I carry her out to my truck. 

I don't talk to anyone, I just put Charlie on my back seat, hop in the drivers seat so I can take her to the hospital. 

"It's going to be okay Angel, I'm here. Your going to make it" I say over and over again until I get to the Hospital. When I feel her pulse as I carry her into the emergency room, I can't find it. I'm freaking out, I go straight to the lady that's already on her way over to me with a concerned look. "Please, ma'am help me, my girlfriend needs help! Please!" 

The nurse looks back to the desk where another nurse sits, "Call a 57 Shelly, we need to get this girl looked at ASAP! Young man follow me, we need to lay her onto a bed." I carry Charlie to one of the hospital beds, and am quickly kicked out of the room as the doctors and nurses arrive. I just stand there looking at the door, wondering if the only woman I think I have ever loved will actually live to hear me say the words. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Justin looking at me with a solemn expression. My eye's burn from the tears that I will not shed, Justin pulls me into a hug despite all the blood on my clothes. 

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