Chapter 13 My Story

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The ride on the back of Calum's sexy black Harley was beautiful. I thought driving with the windows down felt free, but it's nothing compared to this. I unwrapped my arms from Calum's waist and held them above my head, throwing my head back and smiling so bright. This makes me feel nothing but bliss. It was  one of the best feelings I have ever had in my entire life. 

 About 20 minutes later Calum pulled up to a pub named 'HULLZ', It was a big black and brown rustic looking building. Made out of brick, with two big brown doors, four windows showing in the front, and what looked to be a lot of cameras all over the entrance. After pulling into the parking spot Calum waited for me get off before dismounting himself from his bike; he tagged my hand while heading for the door. I was really nervous, mainly because I was really hoping I could tell Calum my story in private or at least somewhere quiet. Feeling my mood change, Calum stopped and turned, "Baby don't worry, the Club owns this place. You and I are gonna go upstairs and eat so we can have some privacy." Immediately I felt a little better, so I gave his big hand the tiny squeeze to assure him I'm OK. 

As soon as Calum and I walked into the pub everything inside went quit at the sight of him. That was until a guy who looked just like a pirate started to make his way over to us, he didn't even hesitate before pulling Calum into a bro hug. 

"Jesus, Calum it is good to see you brother", the guy had a patch over his eye and long wavy black hair, but other than that he wore the same attire as Calum except his vest read 'NOMAD' 

Calum clapped his back before looking at his face, "You too Hook, Hook this is Charlie, Charlie this is Hook." 

"It's good to meet you sunshine" Hook said while kissing the top of my hand. I blushed and quietly replied "Thanks same to you." 

"Hook do me a favor and in about and hour bring up two beers and two burgers. Make sure no one interrupts me." Calum slid his arm around my shoulders and started walking without waiting for a reply from Hook. While walking towards a door labeled 'CLUB MEMBERS ONLY' everyone was still staring at us. Woman were more glaring than staring which made me feel slightly humiliated. I felt like everyone was a little shocked that Calum would be seen with someone of the likes of me, but I could't blame them I felt the same way. 

We walked upstairs into this huge room that was painted black and blue, it had a bar with stools lined up, four tv's, a lounging area with couches and chairs, and a two long tables with matching chairs. Calum walked us over to one of the love seats and sat down on one side while I sat on the other. He never let go of my hand, he just looked up at me and gave me a hand squeeze then started rubbing soft circles on the top of my hand. 

I looked him in the eyes and then looked down at our hands, "what do you want to know?" I ask hesitantly. He said the word I was kind of dreading but new was coming, "Everything." 

I blew out a sigh and focused on the soft touch he was giving me, knowing it would be the last time he would would want to touch me. He will be disgusted with how dirty and tainted I am. It's all his fault, he did it to me. Ruined me for anything good in life. I took a deep breath hoping to calm my nerves. 

" I grew up in a town just outside Dallas, Texas. My mom and dad both grew up in Texas and figured it was a safe place to raise a family. My mom had me when she was 20, and she found out after having me that she wasn't going to be able to have anymore kids. She was always a little bitter about that, but my daddy".. Tears started to form bringing up my Dad. " my dad he cherished that. Said it was God's will to bless him with one little princess to spoil. He was my best friend growing up, I wanted to spend every minute with him. He always let me help and watch him fix up that truck I have.  Whenever he had a day off he was always hanging with me or fixing our truck together. I think my mom was a little jealous of that. The worst part was he was also a business man so he often had to leave to meet clients and what not. Dad was trying to come home early to make it so he was home for my birthday. He must have been so tired, and he fell asleep at the wheel. And ran.." I started to cry thinking how it's my fault. Thinking if I didn't ask him to come home for me he wouldn't me dead. . " He ran straight into a oncoming semi truck.  It was the worst day of my life when the cop came and told us the news. Everything was gone with a snap of a finger. I had no dad anymore, no best friend, I had no hero. My mom blamed me for it, said I was selfish to ask so much of my dad. She hadn't worked a day in her life because my dad made decent money, but that wouldn't last her long enough to live off of. She started to drink heavily and slapped me around a few times when she yelled at me for killing my dad. Then she started taking some of our pills at the house, but they weren't enough for her. She met Oliver, which I'm not sure how exactly I just remember him coming over and meeting my mom. My mom pretty much made a deal with the devil. She asked him what he wanted in order for him to keep bringing her pills and alcohol so she wouldn't have to get them and get caught by neighbors.  She did this all while I was in the room, I think she wanted me to know that she no longer cared. She acted like she was the only fucking one to lose him. I loved my dad so fucking much, and you think your own mom would realized you lost something precious too! No, my mom is a selfish bitch. No my mom is a complete CUNT, it's not my fault all she did was complain about how something wasn't perfect. Instead of being grateful, she was just selfish."

I sucked in some air and harshly wiping some tears off my face, still not looking at Calum, I continued 

" So while sitting in the room, Oliver just simply smiled and looked at me and said "Your daughter will do just fine", and that was that. She agreed that I would do anything for him pretty much. I had no say. What does a 13 year old little girl do when she just loses her dad, and her mom is a bitch. Nothing there was nothing I could do. I mean at first Oliver would come in while I was sleeping and lay with me, and then things escalated from there. I was making food for myself one time and he came in the kitchen and pinned me against the counter and forcefully kissed me. I tried kicking, then when I bit his tongue he beat the shit out of me. I was in so much pain. I didn't leave the floor until midnight that night. Later that he came into my room while I was weak and groped me. He finger fucked me, and I couldn't stop it, I-I re-all-y tri-ed. I swear to you I just was so tired. He made me.... You know and said that I enjoy what he was doing for me. After that night it was a constant thing. The first time he...... The first time he raped me was two weeks after that. I screamed so loud for my dad. I sobbed and no one came, not even my mom from the next room. Then he beat me the more I screamed. So I was fucked and beatin until I passed out. The worst part is my blanket my dad got me from China one year for my birthday was ruined. It was covered with my blood from him raping me. So I made a funeral for the blanket, because it felt like I took another chunk of my heart out by having to get rid of it. So since I was 13 till about 20 years old I have been abused. Then one day no one was home, my mom would't be able to call him to tell him I was trying to leave and Oliver was nowhere to be seen. I unlocked our safe and took the truck keys, all the money I hid and stole from my mom, and I ran. There are so many scars physically and mentally that you don't want that. I don't blame you for being disgusted, or for being ashamed to have kiss-"

I stopped talking because Calum pulled me to him and was hugging me so tightly to him, I couldn't hold back so I just cried. 

I cried for my dad

I cried for myself

I cried for my story


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