Chapter 26 The End to The Beginning

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        His hot breath panted against my ear while his hands ran all over my body. Sending cold shivers or disgust through me. "You know what happens to bad girls Baby Doll?  They get punished, and I think a punishment is exactly what your sweet little body needs from me." My throat closed up with the thought of Oliver punishing me again, my chest can't help but release the sobs that lay within me. I cry as he grabs me by the waist, and throws me against the wall. He quickly walks to me before I have a chance to right myself, he smashed my face into the wall. I cry out in pain, but stay crouched knowing that it will be way worse if I fight more. After about ten hits I slowly crawl my way back up the wall, breathing heavily through my mouth since my nose seems to be bleeding. Oliver turns me around and puts me into a choke hold, and I struggle to breathe. Squirming like a fish, but I cant get out of his hold and it makes me panic- 

        "Charlie baby wake up" I hear Calum whisper into my ear as I shoot straight up into sitting position. Breathing heavy with a light mist of sweat that lines my skin. I look around the room realizing that I was  just having a dream. I jump as I feel a hand cup my cheek, but I turn my head towards Calum. His face is filled with concern, as his eyebrows bunch together and he looks slightly pained to see me like this. 

"You alright Sunshine?" He asked softly. 

Instead of being ashamed and hiding I slowly lean my face closer to him so i can shove it into the crook of his neck. I wrap my arms around him until the remnants of my dream leave me. Calum just hold me to him tightly while occasionally rubbing my back, or playing with me hair. 

"Did you have a dream about Oliver?" Calum asks so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"Yeah" I whisper back to him while snuggling even closer to him than I already am.

After some more deep breaths, I slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep in the arms of my wonderful man. 


The feeling of dread what the first emotion that racked my body this morning. I couldn't figure out why, but I just felt like something was off. I told Calum, about it but he thinks it could be from my dream last night. Everything just felt off, I was waiting for something to strike and set our lives off center again. 

        Calum and went straight to the club house, since he had some business to attend to. I was on high alert all day wondering if something bad was going to happen or if it really was just me. 

But no, I just had to be right. 

I new it Calum and JJ came out of Church with stern expressions marring their faces. I stood up once I felt the tension in the air. Calum came straight to me, "Have you heard from Justin today?" 

My face fell at his question, "No" I answered almost silently. His expression turned scarier than I've ever seen. I turned quickly to my bag and pulled out my phone scrolling straight to Justin's  number.

I rang three times before someone picked up- "Hello?" I asked 

"Are you a friend of the guy who owns this phone?" A woman asked on the other line

"Yes, and who's this?" I asked a little panicked

"This is the person who saved your friends life after I almost ran over his beaten body in the road." 

Tears begin to well up in my eyes and  I slowly turn to Calum, who heads right over to me once he sees my face. Ripping the phone from my hand and wrapping an arm around my shoulders so I can rest my weight on him. 

I vaguely listen to their conversation on the phone since I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. 

I look up at Calum when he hangs up my phone, "I gotta head out to this address she gave me."

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