Strawberry Milkshakes

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High school AU with sweetheart g and punk f. Ye Ye Ye Ye.

"Frankie!" Gee jumped into my arms, his acid wash skater skirt making a little poof around his waist.
"I missed you so much!"

"I did too muffin," we were in separate classes, me stuffed in with the other juvenile delinquents, him with the "academically gifted" students.

"Frankie, what's that bruise on your jaw from? Did you get in another fight?" Gee's eyes were brimming with tears. SHITSHITSHIT! I forgot to cover up that bruise from earlier this week.
"No no no baby! I just fell over and hit it off the curb, that's all."
"It wasn't a fight?"
"No just me being a klutz cupcake." I smiled at him, it was true, well partially anyway.

"You wanna go get a milkshake? It's boiling out here?" I asked Gee, I knew he loved this little vintage style milkshake shop down in Belleville called You Moo.
"Yeah please Frankie!" He was nearly jumping up down in excitement. Bouncing on his platform creepers.

We walked down while chatting about that stupid Captain America publicity stunt.

"But Cap being Hydra all along is just dumb! It goes against everything he stands for!" Gee ranted. I liked listening to him talk about things he was really passionate and got that little twinkle in his eyes.

We stopped in front of the shop and Gee got out his wallet to pay but I refused him saying it was my treat. He walked in after me blushing and saying that under the punk exterior I'm a gentleman on the inside. I ordered a strawberry milkshake for us to share and paid. The waitress smiled at me and went to give the order to the guy who actually made the milkshakes.

I sat down next to Gee at our table and squeezed his thigh, eliciting a squeal out of him. "Frank!"
"What?" I asked him.
"That's so inappropriate! Not while we're in public please!" Gee said, blushing furiously. He was like a cute tomato.
"Ok sorry, you're right."

The waitress came over with the milkshake, putting it down on the table with a smile.
"Enjoy you two," she as she walked away.
I gave Gee a quick kiss before I took a sip of the milkshake from one of the two straws.
(A/N: think of a cheesy romantic movie date set in a restaurant where the couple shares a drink or meal.)

It tasted really good, not like that processed crap you get in a supermarket, like a proper milkshake made with ice cream. Gee was sipping with a contented smile on his face, and I could see he was enjoying it.

"Frankie? What are y-omf!" I interrupted him with a surprise kiss, his lips still tasted of strawberry and they were a little cold because of the drink.
"I know this is so cheesy and cliched but, I really love you."

Fluff for the soul.

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