Party of three

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I may have been listening to a bit too much Ninja Sex Party
Song: "Party of three" by Ninja Sex Party.

(((Iero Twins)))

The three boys were still giggling from the Game Grumps episode that they had been watching. Arin as per usual, had gotten pissed at the game they were playing and started yelling. And Danny was in a minute long giggle fit through Arin's rant.

Antony was having a giggle fit of his own in the aftermath of the episode. He got high pitched and his whole body shook when he laughed.

Frank, on the other hand had a deep chuckle, and if something was really funny to him, a big belly laugh.

Gerard's laugh was one of the cutest things the two brothers had ever heard. It was like a small kitten laugh. And he also got a pink flush on his cheeks.

God, the boy was just adorable.

The boys had the house to themselves since the Twins' parents were out for dinner. They just got told to remember to feed themselves which was code for: order a pizza. Which they did, pepperoni stuffed crust.

They all ate as much as they wanted and the leftover slices, about five, (it was a big pizza) were put in the fridge for later.

They kinda were just lazing there, watching YouTube videos. Well, until Frank had his amazing idea of trying to get Gerard's attention by sucking on his neck like he was trying to give him a hickey.

"Wha-?? Mmmph...." Gerard tried to speak but was cut off by a very fucking pornographic moan come out of his throat.

"What?! You liked that?" Frank asked with a smug grin on his face. Gerard just blushed and looked away.

"Frank, don't tease him.." Antony purred, tracing circles on Gerard's shoulder.

The twins looked at each other with a grin and then at Gerard. Gerard hoped they weren't thinking of the thing that Gerard was thinking that they would do to him.

They were.

*** timeskip because I'm lazy AF ***

"Ah ah AH!" Gerard moaned as the twins worked on making him come. Frank jerked him off while Antony sucked on one of Gerard's nips, rolling the rosy bud between his teeth.

The pleasure was so good that Gerard couldn't form proper sentences, he was just babbling nonsense.

He was so close. So tantalizingly close.

Let's just say that the Iero twins had a lot of fun that night.

Hellooooo infinidagger returns!
Just to let you guys know I've published the first chapter of my phan fic space and stars, and I would love it if you would check it out.

Cheers love, the cavalry's here!

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