A Manic Pastel Hair Panic

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You see what I did there??

Ok but I've had this idea in my head that little G would dye his hair pastel pink, purple, blue, etc.
And I wanted to write about it so here you go.

I live for domestic fics.

"Gee are you sure your hair is light enough for this to stick to your hair?" Frank asked, looking at the pale pink hair dye. Manic Panic creamtone in Fleurs de Mal, FYI.

Gee stuck his head out of the bathroom door where he had been rinsing out the bleach. His hair was a cool ashy blonde.

"Yeah, Frankie, all the tutorials say so."

"Okay... If you're sure.." Frank muttered opening up the dye, when he walked into the bathroom and poured it into a bowl. He mixed up the dye with a little white conditioner to give Gee's hair a bit of moisture from the harsh bleaching.

Gee wrapped a towel around his shoulders to prevent the dye from getting on his clothes and Frank started putting the dye in Gee's hair.  All sailed smoothly, until they ran out of dye halfway through.

"Uh Gee?"
"We've ran out of dye..."
"I'll need to go down to the store and get more dye."
"Please hurry!"

*** timeskip because I'm lazy***

Frank ran back up stairs with the new pot of dye, seeing that Gee was still in the bathroom trying to get the little dye left in the bowl into his hair.

"Gee I've got the dye!"
"Thank you daddy now we can finish right?"

Frank immediately got to work on the back of Gee's head with the dye. Coating the last bits of blonde. When Gee's hair was completely saturated in pink dye, they watched Harry Potter to pass the time while the dye process.

Gee was completely enraptured by the boy who lived playing quidditch with his Gryffindor teammates.

After the movie had done they both went upstairs to wash out the dye.

It was quite messy.

Pink stains where everywhere, the bathtub, shower head, Frank's white shirt. But it was all worth it to see Gee so happy with his hair.

Soft pastel pink locks tickling his shoulders.
Wow so aesthetic.

"Frankie! I look like a fairy!"

Frank couldn't help but smile. Wrapping his arms around his baby boy he said,
"The prettiest fairy if I'd ever saw one."

Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about the requests I just wanted to write something fluffy today.
K. We good?

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