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A punishment fic requested by @bAnDs__1326 , @happy_gerard , and @lonely_trash_can

Love me some dominant daddy kink.

"Gee, I said clean up your toys." Frank called down the hall from his office, where he was working. He had people wanting his head because he had a lot of money that they wanted a share of. And to be honest he didn't really feel like having to give Gee a talking to because of something superficial like not putting his toys away.

"Daddy?" A timid voice sounded at the door.
Frank looked up to find Gee standing there in one of his old and worn Buzzcocks t-shirts and pale pink lacy panties.
"Yeah muffin?"

"My princess parts are achy."
"Not right now princess, daddy's working."
"No buts Gee, I really need to get this done. And have you put away your toys like I asked you to?"

Remember what I said about Frank not wanting to have to give Gee a warning? Well he was having to now because Gee had a defiant look in his eyes.

"Gee, what are you doing?" He asked while Gee walked over to his desk in a seductive manner.
"Maybe I can change your mind about having to do this later..." Gee whispered in a husky tone. The little rocked his hips forwards onto Frank's lap, creating friction that got a moan out of him.

Frank was starting to get a little annoyed with Gee. Did I say little? I meant VERY.

"Alright. To the play room Gee." Frank said getting up from his chair. Gee ran out and waited inside the playroom, crisis cross apple sauce with his hands in his lap, just like he was taught to do.

Frank looked through their drawer of fun things, and he found what he needed.

"I'm not gonna spank you cause you'd just enjoy that, so I'm gonna use the belt."

He heard Gee whimper when he soar this, his baby was not a fan.

The latter was already in position, leaning against the bed with his bum in the air, panties down.

Frank ran his hands over the perfect ass he was going to mark. And without warning brought the belt down, not hard but fairly fast, on Gee's bum leaving a red mark where it connected.

"I'm going to give you ten and you must count. Ok?"
"Ok daddy."




Smack, smack, smack,
"Four five six"

Smack, smack,
"Seven eight"



Frank made sure to make the last one harder than all the rest.

Gee's bum was covered in red marks, some turning purple. But he was still hard.

"Daddy I'm still achy."
"What pumpkin?"
"Still achy."

Frank walked over.

"You want daddy to fix it?" Gee only nodded.

Frank wrapped his hand around Gee's cock and started to wank. Gee was in bliss from the pleasure and he was not gonna last. He never did.

"Ohhhhh.... ahhHHHH!" Gee screamed as he came, hot and white over Frank's hand.

Frank tucked his tired baby into the bed for a nap.
"If you want attention babes just wait till daddy's finished with work, ok?"
"Yes daddy," Gee said sleepily.

You all got your punishment fic, I got my fluffy ending, it's a win win for both of us.

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