Jake Bieber

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Chapter 1: I Think My Water Just Broke

I sat down on my bed in my room. Sighing loudly. My back was hurting a lot. "honey, do you need anything?" mum asked coming in my room. I placed myself against the headboard of my bed and nodded my head.

"can you get me some water?" I asked. Mum nodded. I wasn't spoiled or anything. I just had a lot of pain from my pregnancy, and to help me out, mum brought me anything I needed so I didn't have to do the stairs each time.

"okay I will get it." She replied, I gave her a weak smile and a quick 'thank you' before grabbing 'the notebook' of my bedside table. I had to read it for school. I was home schooled for now, till some time after I give birth. Just as I was about to turn the page, mum had returned and handed me the fresh water "here you go"

"thank you"

"if you need anything, just scream or anything" she had said. I nodded and she left the room as I returned the reading in my book. I could feel the little boy inside me kick. And I smiled, he sometimes kicked hard, I was sure it would become a fighter, just like it's dad.

It's dad. You probably know him? Teensensation Justin Bieber, 17. Yeah him, that's my baby boy's dad. But he broke things of 8 months ago. A week before I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to tell him, but he didn't want to see me. And over phone would be kind of weird. But once I really wanted him to know, he had changed his number. He had ordered Ryan, Chaz, Lieze and all of my friends, to NOT give it to me. That hurted a lot. But I had to get over it.

I'm still not totally over him, but I'm getting there. He was my first love, so there will always be some kind of pain. And I could never forget him, not just because he's everywhere I look, but because I have someone to remind me off him. My son. Jake, Jake Bieber.

A heavy pain shot trough me, bringing me out of my thought. The pain was unbareble, and I let out a scream. It became wet between my legs and my mum turned up next to my bed minutes later. "I think my water just broke" I said between some kind of screams out of pain.

"it's gonna be alright, okay" Mum assured me. "you have to come downstaires and we'll drive to the hospital" I nodded, leaving my bed in a lot of pain. I was nervous, so nervous. I had never been this nervous before, and I had been nervous a lot of times. "Hon, Scarlett's water just broke" that was only needed to be said when dad and Skye came rushing through the door. "Skye, can you get the babybag?" Mum asked her. Skye nodded, we get along great. I don't know what I would have done without her. She returned a couple seconds later

"here" Dad was already in the car starting it quickly. We all climbed in and he drove off to the hospital, as fast as he could, not caring if he would get a speed penalty.  Through our way there, I let out loud cries of pain.

"I'm never-AAH- having sex-AAH-again" I let out between my cries of pain. I heard Skye chuckle next to me. I hit her softly. Not wanting to hurt her, but she laughed at me, and it pissed me off.

"we didn't tell you to 'make love' to Justin, did we?" She stated placing airqoutes around making love, cuz that's how I would call it. Though hearing his name, made pain shot through me, not the pain I had been feeling for a couple of minutes, but the worst pain I had ever felt. Heartbreak. Skye saw my expression change at 'Justin' and immediatly her facely expression changed into one of sorrow. "I-" I cut her off

"don't -AAH- worry, it's not-AAH- your fault" We arrived at the hospital and dad rushed out the car, and returned not yet 30 seconds later with a wheelchair for me to sit in. Which I did. He rolled me at a fast speed inside.

"My daughter's water just broke" he told a nurse that was passing by. She started asking some questions to my mum, which she gladly answered.

"Lieze, Ryan and Chaz are coming now, I texted them." Skye told me while I was rushed in a room. I had to unclothe myself and put on a hospitalgown. My legs wide open so the nurse could check on my opening once in a while.


"you're now 2 inches, you should be 4 to get started, you're halfway already" the nurse said after 1 hour of being in the hospital. Everyone was in here, not looking at my private things though. Just sitting beside me, giving me the support I needed.

"I wish he was here" I said to no one in particular. Lieze, who was holding one of my hands squeezed it slightly. Knowing how badly I wished for him. And the most in this situation. This shouldn't be happening, this is not how I wanted it. I had always dreamt of having kids with Justin, but I never thought I'd ectually have to give birth to his child without him.

"it's gonna be alright" Chaz said, kissing my forhead. I nodded, hoping he was right. The nurse came in and checked again. She smiled brightly.

"okay, only 2 people may be in here" she said. Lieze, Ryan and Chaz left. The nurse looked at Skye for her too leave.

"c-can she stay here?" I asked her. The nurse sighed but nodded.

"alright, you can start pushing" and that's exactly what I did. It wasn't an easy job, giving birth, but I knew for a fact, it would be easier if he had been here. But it's time to face the truth. He's not here anymore. How sadly I even found it. I had to get over him.


"who wants to cut the cord?" the nurse asked. I looked at my dad. Giving him a nodd. He trippled over to my little son and cut it's cord. He was then handed to me.

"hye there little boy" I said in a babyvoice. "Jake, Jake Bieber"

Jake BieberWhere stories live. Discover now