Chapter 6: you know like a little family.

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I woke up the next morning with a smile plastered on my face as I remembered last night. Me and Justin talked everything out after our kiss, we're not back together, but we decided to atleast be friends, not for us, but for the sake of our son, so he could live with parents who don't fight. And maybe in the later future we could pick up where we left off a couple off months ago.

My phone buzzed getting me out of my trace. I picked it up.

From; Justin

Hye, I was wondering if I could come to yours?

I looked at the screen as if he was crazy. I mean he didn't have to asked, he knew that all of my friends just come to my house whenever they feel like it. I quickly responded that it was okay before locking my phone. I stood up and got ready. Just as I was walking downstaires to get some breakfast the doorbell rung. I went and opened it as I had to pass it because it's at the bottom of the staires and then at your right side. Infront of me stood Justin.

"hye" he greeted as I smiled at him. I replied with a 'hye' back and stepped aside letting him in. I closed the door again and followed him in the living room. "where's Jake?" He asked after looking around for a bit like he was searching for something, more like someone.

"he's still asleep. Normally he wakes up at 6 but clearly not today." I answered looking at the clock which read '8:00 AM' And just on que I heard Jake's cries trough the baby monitor. I was about to stand up from the couch but was stopped by Justin.

"I'll go" He gave me a smile and he left the room after I had thanked him. I stood up anyway and walked to the fridge. What would I eat? I asked myself looking through it. I got out the milk and poured it into a bowl then added some cornflakes. "hye, where's his baby bottle?" Justin came in carrying Jake. I smiled bright.

"I will get it but first a picture." I took out a camera "smile" I clicked after Justin had posed. I looked down at the picture. "naaw" I let out. He came over and looked at it, smiling bright.

"can you send that one to me?" I nodded my head as he picked out his phone and I sent him.

"I will get his bottle, do you want to feed him?" he nodded as he sat down on the couch and I walked back in the kitchen grabbing his bottle and warming it up. I walked back in the livingroom and couldn't help but take another picture. I then went and sat down beside him giving him the bottle. He started feeding him after I explained how to do it, because, apperantly he didn't know.

"I love him already" he said as he finished the bottle. I smiled bright. I was happy he didn't push his son away from him.

"So, why did you come here in the first place?" I asked curious, not rude to get him away.

"well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the parc, I mean, you, me and Jake." He questioned "you know, like a little family" I nodded my head and couldn't help the big smile that had found it's way across my face when he mentioned 'like a little family'. "let's go then." I nodded and stood up.

"I'll go get the strolled and his coat then we're ready to leave" Even though it was summer, Jake was a baby, he needed a coat, I didn't want him to get sick.


'Justin, over here'

'is that Scarlett?'

'Who's the kid'

'Was she whoring around and got knocked up, claiming it was yours? Like Mariah Yeater' that question made me look down even more and I held Jake tight to my chest.

'Scarlett, Justin look over here'

'Is it yours, Justin?'

'what an ugly kid' I felt the tears well up in my eyes at that comment. they can talk about me, all they want, but not about my kid.

the whole day went without these paps, but ofcourse when we went to dinner and arrived back home, the paps knew where we were and followed us. Justin, who was pushing the empty stroller, looked up at the pap who had shouted the last sentence, and I could see him flipp him off out off the corner of my eye.

As we finally reached the door, I got out my key and opened it, I stepped inside and Justin followed, closing the door behind him. "you alright?" he asked me as I had sat down on the couch. I nodded kissing Jake's cheeck.

"He's not ugly, right?" I looked up at him trough my tears and saw him shaking his head.

"ofcourse not, he's beautiful, Scar, and you know it" I looked back at Jake and stroke over his little had, kissing him again.

"no, baby, you're not ugly" I said like he could understand me. Jake let out a yawn, which is overly adorable. "time for bed, little man" I looked at the clock, which read '8:30PM' I stood up. "I'm going to change him in his Pj's and place him in bed" Justin nodded and gave me a light smile before I went upstaires.

After getting Jake changed, I put him in his bed "you're beautiful" I kissed his cheeck where my tear had fallen and left the room. I went back downstaires to find Justin looking out the window . "what are you doing?" I asked. He turned around and smiled.

"just thinking" He replied before sitting down on the couch. I went up to the window and saw that the paps where still there, so I closed the curtains and sat down next to Justin. "I'm sorry" he started. I gave him a confused look. "for the paps I mean. I should have thought of them before we left and wh-" I cutt him off.

"you're still the same, I see" Now it was his time to look confused. "you still appoligize for things that aren't even your fault, You can't stop them, Justin"

"I know, I just feel bad. They can talk about me, all they want, but not about the people I care about. What they said about you and Jake was totally crossed the line" I looked down as the sentence kept running trough my head. 'was she whoring around and got knocked up, claiming it was yours? Like Mariah Yeater' 'what an ugly kid' My chin was lift up and I was staring in those brown orbs again. "don't believe them, okay, we know that you're not a whore, and that Jake isn't ugly." I nodded, getting lost in his eyes, and I'm pretty sure he got lost in mine also. "can I kiss you?"

It reminded me of our first kiss.

"let's go on the Ferris wheel" I said excited. It was already 11PM and we should be heading home soon, but I wanted to go on the ferris wheel first.

"Okay, but after that we're going to find Lieze, Skye, Chaz and Ryan, alright?" I nodded grabbing his hand and dragging him with me to the waiting row, which was about 5 minutes of waiting.

"next" We stepped in the seats and the safetyharness closed as we started raising up. It was a beautiful view. I felt Justin wrap his arm around me and I cuddled closer into him.

"it's so beautiful"

"you know what else is beautiful?" he asked me, out of curiousity I turned my head to look at him.

"what is it?"

"you" he whispered. I felt my cheecks flush, after all, he was they boy I had a major crush on. "can I kiss you?" the question brought me out of my trace and I nodded as he lent in and placed his soft plump heart shaped lips on mine.

"yes" and with that his lips were placed on mine in a soft sweet and loving kiss.

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