Chapter 17: dawwy, whese dawy?

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I woke up by Jake crying. Looking at my digital clock I stood up and put on my robe. It was 9:30 AM, Jake was finally learning to sleep a little longer then normal, and I was glad for that. I walked the through the small hall of my parent's house, I was still living there and thought it was getting to the time that me and Justin should finally search a house to live together.

Speaking about Justin, He left to Atlanta about a week ago, and I miss him like crazy. We text and call eachotter every minute we can, but it's still hard to not be able to see him, hug him or kiss him, having him not here to help out with Jake, because believe me, it's harder to take care of a child than you could imagine.

"hey little boy, don't cry, mumma's here" I cooed as I entered the nursery and picked him out of his bed. He looked at me as he stopped crying, still looking so sad.

"dawwy, whese dawy?" He had questioned me the same thing over and over again in the past month. Where is daddy?

"daddy is out of town for work, he is making money for us to live a good life, but daddy loves you" I knew he wouldn't be able to understand a thing I said. He could barely talk himself except some words as where? What? That? Mumma, daddy, how? like that stuff. and hungry. "com'on we'll get you something to eat, get ready, and then we'll visit uncle Ryan." me and Justin decided, together with our friends, that we would learn Jake to call our closest friends uncle and aunt, like Uncle Ryan, Uncle Chaz, aunt Lieze, etc.

I placed him on his little play mat which was placed in the corner once I entered the living room. "goodmorning sweetheart" mum's voice rang through my ears as I stood back up from giving Jake his toys.

"morning, could you watch Jake for a minute while I get ready?" I asked her, she nodded with a smile on her face, she loved watching Jake, if it was a minute, an hour, a day, a week (which hasn't happened yet) she would always say yes. She loved him a lot, almost as much as I and Justin loved him. "thank you" I kissed my mother's cheek as I ran back upstairs. I walked into my bathroom and stripped down to take a shower.


I walked to my closet deciding on what to wear as I got a text. I smiled as I knew it would be Justin. I picked it up and my smile dropped, it wasn't Justin, it was Nathan.

From: Nathan

hey beautiful, long time no see, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. xoxo

I thought about it, I mean my mum could look after Jake, and it was true, I hadn't talked to Nathan in a while, and I'd like to catch up with him.

To: Nathan

sure, Pick me up in an hour (: xo

I walked over to my closet after locking my phone. Seeing as it was going to be warm outside I decided on some demin short shorts with a colar cloured top and my brown sandals. I left my hair wavy and applied some eyeliner, lipgloss and mascara. I finished of my look with some accesories: a necklace with an own, retro rosie earrings, and a bracelet set. I had coloured my nails the previous day with sparkles, and it was still there.

I stood infront of my full lenght mirror checking my outfit a last time before grabbing my ray bans and my bag and walking downstaires. "mum, I had originally planned on going to Ryan's with Jake, but Nathan asked to hang out since it's been a long time so could you watch him for the day?"

"of course honey, when do you leave" I looked at the time on my phone, seeing it was around an hour ago since I texted Nathan.

"He should be here like-" the doorbell rung signaling Nathan was here. "-now"

"okay, have fun" I nodded and thanked her as I walked over to Jake and kissed his head before walking towards the front door and opening it, revealing Nathan.

"hi" he said as he gave me a hug. I hugged back.

"hi" we pulled out of our embrace and I looked at what he was wearing he had on a white t-shirt, over that he wore a black and red striped hoodie and black skinny jeans with red vans. He looked good, to say the least, but nothing compared to Justin.

"you look beautiful" he commented as he had looked at what I was wearing.

"thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I replied.

"let's go" We walked to his car as he opened my car door, I thanked him as I stepped inside.

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